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A few years ago, the Peninsula Home and Garden Club decided to expand our beautification efforts beyond the Village Main Street bridge flowers. Under the creative talent of members Cathy Anson and Amy Frank-Hensley the club decided to tackle a refurbish of the village trash bins scattered throughout the downtown. In the Fall of 2021, we gifted our first mosaic refurbished trash bin back to the community. This beautiful, colorful mosaic bin is located on the south side of Route 303 just east of the railroad tracks.

The mosaic project was so fun and so well received that in 2022, we tackled our second old brown trash bin. This second bin was completed by Cathy Anson, Amy Frank-Hensley, Nancy Barnett and Dee Holody, each completing one side with their own flower theme and design. The four themes are: Crocuses in Snow, Cone Flower Power, Blooming Happiness, and Here comes the Sun.

You can find our second mosaic project on the north side of 303, just east of the tracks near Century Cycles. Look closely, you just might find the hidden lady bug or the river rock with a message.

Enjoy our gift to YOU, our community.

Amy Frank-Hensley, Nancy Barnett, Cathy Anson, and Dee Holody

The Garden Club is open to all area women. Enjoy the friendship, talent, and service work as we celebrate the beauty of flowers and the joy of community. Interested in joining? Contact Norma Preneta at 330-657-2518.

The Peninsula Home and Garden Club