Don`t it always seem
to go. That you don`t
know what you`ve got
Till it`s gone.
They paved paradise
And put up a
parking lot.

March 2024 VOLUME 41 NUMBER 3

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Your Community News has completed 34 years of providing a forum for sharing events, views, and other information with our neighbors.

Milt Garrett published the first issue in December, 1983. Many people have helped edit, print and circulate YCN over the years, some since its inception. I hope that I miss no names and there is no special order: Sandy Matusz, Amy Anderson, Jean Wurzbacher, Emily Ritch, Marilyn, Anne Marie, and Marty Griffith, Lily Fleder, Kurt Landefeld, Diane and Ray Hach, Kathy Bertsch, and Randy Bergdorf. My thanks to all for their caring work.

Our on-line paper is receiving attention from many of you. Using this, it is easy to forward articles or the whole paper to relatives and friends. We also have better pictures and often more want ad and service listings.

YCN is only as interesting and relevant as the information that we get from each of you. Please continue to send articles to us.

Jack Harley, Publisher