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In 2024, the Village of Peninsula achieved several significant milestones that strengthened its operations and community services, such as:
1. Working on an Area Master Plan that focuses on identifying priority projects, and pointing out potential areas for future investment or redevelopment. The final plan is moving towards a presentation to the Village Planning Commission and Village Council for review and approval.
2. The hiring of officers to fill all six full-time positions on the police department, ensuring a strong and reliable police presence in the community, with the help of our Auxiliary and
Reserve officers which step-up daily, to supplement our full-time team. One of those officers, being our new K-9 handler which has enhanced the department`s capabilities, providing specialized skills to support law enforcement, public safety efforts and other communities with the same.
3. The hiring of a much needed second road and maintenance employee to assist our supervisor, that was a one person operation for months.
4. The wastewater project moving forward.
Looking forward to 2025, the Village of Peninsula is looking to build on the successes from 2024 regarding:
1. Completion of the Area Master Plan
2. Renovation of Village Hall
3. Continued progress on the wastewater project.
4. Continuing to support our employees so they can provide needed Village services.
5. And to work with other communities and organizations to make the Village of Peninsula a great place to live and visit.
The Village Hall remodeling has officially begun.
Council has unanimously accepted a bid for the demolition of the Player`s Barn off of route 303. After many years, the property has since become structurally unstable and is now beyond repair. Demolition will occur in the winter of 2025.
Be mindful during the winter season to not plow your snow onto the road or to neighboring properties!
Upcoming Meetings:
Planning Commission Meeting scheduled for January 27, 2025 at 7:00PM.
Check the website for Area Master Plan meeting updates and other information to come!
Contact Phone Numbers:
Administrative Office 330-657-2151
Non-Emergency Police & Fire 330-657-2911
Check the Website: www.villageofpeninsula-oh.gov
Faith Dorton, Administrative Assistant