It is said that the
world is in a state
of bankruptcy, that the
world owes the world
more than the
world can pay.

Ralph Waldo

November 2008 VOLUME 25 NUMBER 11

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November 2008 meeting:

The Garbage Bids were opened at this month’s council meeting – Council will take action at the December meeting. Republic Waste and J&J were the two companies bidding this year. By the way, if you need a recycle bin, call the village hall or service department. We have a few here and can get more.

The first reading of the Employee Handbook ordinance was put forth, with input from two employees regarding overtime and holidays.

When asked about the coming year’s budget, I don’t have a crystal ball to predict what will happen in 2009, other than our utility bills will increase and that we will need to replace police cruisers and repair road equipment. One certainty I can tell you is that a reduction in Federal taxes will eventually mean a reduction in the revenues received by the village. I hope as a village that we will continue to operate wisely and keep our expenditures reasonable.

The Charter Committee will be meeting on Friday, December 5. 2008 at 7:00 pm at the Village Hall. Anyone interested in serving on that committee should attend. Section 2.03 of the Zoning Ordinance has been corrected, and a copy of page 2-2 is available at the village hall.

A reminder to anyone who would like to receive the agendas and/or minutes of meetings: please email me with your request, and I will add you to the list.

December Meetings:
Planning Commission – December 2, 2008 - 7:00pm
Council Meeting – December 8, 2008 - 7:00pm
Board of Zoning Appeals – December 11, 2008 - 7:00pm
Check the Library, Post Office, Village Hall, Terry Lumber or Quarry for other meetings and postings.

Village Hall hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm daily except holidays and weekends.
330-657-2151 – Mayor and administration
330-657-2714 – Clerk Treasurer and Zoning Inspector
330-657-2089 – Service Department
330-657-2995 – Police Department
330-657-2911 – Non-Emergency Police and Fire Dispatch

Pamela S. Burda, Clerk Treasurer

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MEETING CHANGE: Due to the Thanksgiving holiday the second meeting for November will be held Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00PM. The Trustees wish you a blessed Thanksgiving.

SHARE-A-CHRISTMAS: The Trustees will once again be sponsoring Share-A-Christmas for village and township residents. As usual, donation boxes for food and containers for monetary donations will be at the Library and Terry Lumber. A drop off box is also located in the lobby of the Peninsula Police Station. Please remember due to postal regulations we are no longer able to place a collection box at the post office. Due to the depressed economy we are anticipating a bigger list of those needing assistance. More than ever we will need your help.

COMMUNITY POTLUCK: If you are reading this paper you are invited to our annual potluck dinner scheduled for January 17, 2009 at 5:00 PM. This event will be held at the Township Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Everything else will be provided by the Trustees including door prizes. This is our way to say thank you to the community.

RUBBISH SERVICE: Two bids were received for rubbish service beginning in 2009. Our current provider, J&J Refuse and Waste Management submitted bids. The trustees expect to make a decision at the November 25th meeting.

The Trustees meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM at the old service garage at the Township Hall. The zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30PM and the BZA meets the fourth Tuesday at 6:30PM. Same location

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015.

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The annual Christmas party will be held Wednesday, December 3rd from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Boston Township Hall.

Come and enjoy Christmas crafts, music and refreshments. Make sure you bring your camera for a photo op with Mr. and Mrs. Claus and their friends. Sponsored by the Peninsula Police Department, Valley Fire District and The Peninsula Library.

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To the Editors:

The November 2008 "Bath Country Journal" featured former Congressman John Seiberling on its cover together with an article entitled "The Legacy of John F. Seiberling".

Those of us who live in the valley will not forget the anguish and suffering that came with the condemnation of their homes.

When plans for the park were announced, Congressman Seiberling said that no more than thirty homes would be taken, primarily along the river.

Almost 400 homes were taken out of about 650 homes, and several homeowners died shortly after losing their homes. Boston Township lost eighty percent of its tax base, and is still struggling financially.

To many of us, that is his legacy.

Martin J. Griffith

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Your Planning Commission has had a busy year. While we have had some accomplishments, there is more work to be done as we look forward to setting goals for 2009. In the beginning of 2008, we had to focus on two issues that Council requested of us. One was consideration of changing a portion of the R1, rural residential zoning district, from a four acre minimum to a two acre minimum. The other was a request from Council to get rid of our 2005 Zoning Ordinance and revert back to the 1991 Zoning Ordinan ce. Both issues were sent back to Council with the recommendation to keep both the four acre minimum and to continue with our 2005 Zoning Ordinance. Both issues are still with Council.

During the last half of 2008, we have been reviewing and developing language for Large Domestic Animals; Boundary Fences; Police Powers for the Zoning Inspector; and Demolition Permits. Our goal is to send the results of this work to Council by year end. We will hold a Special Meeting November 18th at 7:00 p.m. to begin work on Riparian Setback language. Additionally, Council has asked us to consider deleting Section 6.02 of the Ordinance. These two issues will occupy the last months of the year.

Finally, at the end of this year a position on the Planning Commission will become available as the term of one of our members expires on December 31, 2008. This is an opportunity for you to become involved in your community. The PC meets at last once per month. This volunteer position is appointed by the Mayor and has a term limit of six years. Overall, the PC is responsible for guiding the orderly development of the community as defined in Ohio Revised Code 713.0. Interested citizens should write a letter indicating your interest to Mayor Fisher with a copy to Debra Shankland, Chair of the Planning Commission. The Village Hall address is 1582 Main Street. Our next meeting is December 2, 2008.

Thank you for this opportunity - it has been a full year on the PC and we look forward to 2009.

Brenda Nichols, Secretary Planning Commission

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It’s Christmas at the Cuyahoga Valley Historical Museum! We welcome everyone to stop by our museum, located on the second floor of the Boston Township Hall, every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 12pm to 4pm. Come in to view our free exhibits on Peninsula’s rich history and do some Christmas shopping while you are here. We have local history publications and items for sale that are perfect for everyone on your Christmas list.

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Cornerstone Family Church invites you to its 2nd annual Live Christmas Nativity Saturday, December 20th from 5:30-9 pm at 1460 Hines Hill Road in Boston Township.

Come enjoy the costumed actors, Christmas music, live animals, and refreshments. A Christmas bazaar will be held in the basement of the church with many Christmas decorations and holiday items. For more information please call the church at 330-657-2111.

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A great big THANK YOU for all the people who helped set up the gym for the Halloween Party, helped the children with the games and were our judges for the costume parade. Thanks also to the volunteers who served the pizza and punch, which was donated by The Winking Lizard and Fishers. Because of all of you, the party was a success.

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The Peninsula Library Foundation is in the final month of raising donations to meet a challenge grant from the GAR Foundation as part of the Foundation’s endowment campaign. As you may recall from previous YCN articles, donations will be used to support the Foundation’s mission which is solely to build and maintain an endowment fund for the benefit of the Peninsula Library & Historical Society. This endowment fund will be used to help the Library meet its future financial needs and ensure, as government funding diminishes, the ongoing viability of this valued community resource.

This is a great time to make a gift to the Peninsula Library Foundation! If we can raise $160,000 by December 1, 2008, we will receive an additional $80,000 from the GAR Foundation! Pledges over the next three years are also eligible for the matching grant. You will be billed annually for any pledge.

We have so far raised $132,000 toward the challenge grant and are most appreciative to our many generous donors. Please help us make our goal by contributing before December 1 (your contribution is tax deductable). We are so close to our goal, which would enable us to receive the $80,000 gift from the GAR Foundation – please help us get there!

Also, just to let you know, the Charitable IRA Rollover Provision has been extended as part of the 2008 Federal Financial Rescue Package. This extension provides tax incentives for donors age 70 ½ who use IRA funds to make charitable gifts. It allows taxpayers to transfer gifts directly from their IRA to the charity without including it as income and without paying taxes on the total amount of the gifts. Please contact your bank or fund manager for more details.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Randy Bergdorf, Library Director, at 330-657-2291. Thank you for your generous support!

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Congratulations to the Woodridge Boys Cross Country Team on their third consecutive Division II state title. The CVCA girls team placed first in their division. Laura Rybka, daughter of Larry and Wendy Rybka, is a freshman member of the CVCA team and participated in her first state competition.

The Mid East Cross Country Meet was held on November 15th in Kettering, Ohio. It pits the best graduating senior cross country runners from Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Illinois. This year, Hanna Mercer (Dave Mercer's daughter) qualified for Indiana and Erin Mercer (Scott Mercer's daughter) qualified for Ohio. It was Indiana against Ohio, Mercer against Mercer, cousin against cousin. Erin placed fourth in the event. Laura Rybka ran in the open race and placed second female overall.

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The Over the River Winter 2008 Exhibit will run from November 28 through December 21st on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 11:00AM until 5:00PM including December 15, 16, 17, and 18 for additional shopping. A meet-the-artists reception will be held Saturday December 6th from 5:00 to 7:00PM Drumming Circle with Suzanne Wojcik and Mike Burley. Guest appearances on November 29th from 2:00-3:00PM Donna Barrett on guitar, December 13th from 1:00-2:30PM Santa’s Elves, and December 20th from 1:00-2:00PM Frosty the Snowman.

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Ed Wisz passed away on October 28th at the age of ninety-three. Ed was a member of the Sons of Rest at the Peninsula Library.

Condolences to Ric Haury and his family. Ric’s mother Geraldine passed away November 7th.

Township resident Freeda Johnson passed away November 8th. Freeda and husband Dean founded the Friends Disaster Service in 1974 to assist families recovering from the Xenia tornado. From there they crossed the country helping where needed. Dean and Freeda retired from the FDS following the Katrina hurricane.

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Please remember to keep the following in your prayers: Jim and Millie Lockert, Gloria Ritch, Nancy Sue James Zvara, and Dave Mayer.

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Joey Willis, grandson of Paul and Sheila Shaver, is a star chess player in this community. Sheila says no local has been able to beat him. The late Ed Thompson tried, but could not. The Woodridge Chess Club was started by fifth grade teacher Don Latham.

Highly recommended: Osillocosenum. Keep it on hand for the coming flu season. This is a very effective homeopathic flu remedy that is available at most pharmacies.

Lily Fleder

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One day sale, Saturday, November 29, 2008 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM at the Boston Township Hall (corner of State Route 303 and Riverview).

Rustic, individually crafted and durable shelves, benches, carriers, and kids or sporting event periscopes. Great for Christmas gifts. All crafted by Township resident, Dean Johnson, 241 Keenan Road.

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Ryszard Razny and wife Zofia have a new grandchild, Sofia. She joins her brother Pablo and parents Luke and Patricia Razny at their home in Canton, Michigan. Ryszard and Zofia will join them for a visit late this year.

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SNOWPLOWING: Reserve your spot on the route now. Seasonal or per push contract. Senior discount. Call for free estimate. Township resident, Paul Baker 330-573-7575.

LICKITY-SPLIT: Tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

FOR SALE: Klipsch Tangent 500 Speakers $100 Call John 330-659-7340.

FOR SALE: 55 gal. aquarium with wrought iron stand, hood/lights, filters/pumps, heater.$100. Call John 330-659-7340.

FOR SALE: Broyhill cabinet: lighted shelves, drawer, and lower doors provide attractive display and storage space perfect for your office or living room. Excellent condition. $25 or best offer. Call Catherine at 330-657-2953.

ROSARIES: Beautiful handmade one of a kind rosaries. Handcast centers and crusifixes. Colors are the shoppers choice. Great gifts for Christmas, Baptisms, birthdays, First Communion and Confirmations. Call Mary Anne at MAD Creations, 657-2085.

NEW COMMERCIAL/OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT: The beautifully restored, 1800 sq.ft. lower level of the wood building at the Boston Township Hall will be ready for occupancy January 1, 2009. The rental rate is $1,200 per month. For additional information or an appointment, call 330-657-2842 (please leave a message and you will be contacted).

FOR SALE: Water Storage Tank: 165 Gallons $100 Call John or Diane at 330-659-7340.

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This correspondence is designed to pass along updated information to all residents and businesses within Boston Township.

As most of you know, the JEDD between Boston Township and Cuyahoga Falls was entered into in March of 2004. The purpose of the agreement was to:

· Facilitate economic development, create and preserve jobs and employment opportunities.

· Establish a much needed revenue base from income tax for the economic welfare of the residents and businesses throughout Boston Township.

· Preclude further annexation of Township property by Cuyahoga Falls, i.e. Tamsin Park – Hidden Lakes.

Although the agreement was entered into in 2004 the actual implementation did not occur until 2006 with October being the first month that taxes were collected. The tax rate is two percent with 60% of collected taxes going to Cuyahoga Falls and 40% going to the Township. The tax is levied on income earned by persons working within the JEDD and net profits of businesses located in the JEDD. The tax is not levied on persons living within the JEDD, unless they happen to work in the JEDD.

As we all know, the availability of Sewer and Water Service is critical for further economic development of the district. Originally it was understood that these services would be provided by the City of Cuyahoga Falls. However, we later found out that the JEDD area is considered part of Summit County’s Metropolitan Sewer District. Therefore, the Sewer Service must be County owned and operated. Specifically our area will eventually be serviced by the yet to be built Seasons Road Pump Station. All indications are that this facility will be up and running within two years, if not sooner. Water will be made available through Cuyahoga Falls.

As outlined in the JEDD agreement, the actual construction and installation of the Sewer/Water infrastructure will be the responsibility of the developer or contractor. As we move forward and continue collecting taxes it is the Township’s intention to use some of this money to help offset part of sewer related expenses like Tap-In Fees, Connection Charges, etc.

Also of interest is our potential participation in a collaborated effort between Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson and Stow that should positively affect the future growth and development of the Seasons Road interchange area. This partnership would result in the creation of a JEDZ (Joint Economic Zone) and will include 67 acres (see attached map) of land currently located within our JEDD. Our income tax revenue sharing would remain the same (40%), as would all other aspects of the JEDD agreement. Our inclusion in this initative will present a positive opportunity for future development throughout the entire district.

We will continue to keep you informed on this on-going project.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact any one of us at 330-657-2059

Jerry Ritch, Amy Anderson, Randy Bergdorf, Trustees
Larry Sultzer
Zoning Inspector

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On Sunday, November 23, 2008 at 7:00PM the young and old are invited to begin Thanksgiving festivities by joining friends and neighbors to give thanks. Peninsula United Methodist will hold this year’s Ecumenical Community Prayer Service. Musicians from Peninsula United Methodist and Mother of Sorrows will support all who gather to join and give thanks. Pastor Jan Munsey of P.U.M. will lead the service and Reverend Father John D. Terzano of M.O.S. will deliver the message. Most important will be the members of the community who come together to give thanks! See you there.

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The two words “thank you” can never express the appreciation and support my sister Rita and I felt at the time of my mother’s return to the Eternal Father. Suffering the challenges of age and sickness can be overwhelming. Additionally, the death of my brother Ted in March 2007 was heartbreaking to us all, but especially for Mother. She enjoyed being a “guest” in beautiful Peninsula. Please accept our sincere thank you for all the community did to make her feel welcome. Thank you for the care provided by the safety forces in her need. Thank you to all who participated in the funeral. Your presence meant so much. Special thanks to the Peninsula Police officers for directing traffic and keeping things in good order. God bless you all. It has meant so much to know such kindness.

Father John Terzano

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TREE/WOOD REMOVAL: If you have a tree to take down or wood to get rid of (no rotten wood) please give me a call. I need firewood. Call Matt at 330-657-2138.

VALLEY ROOF REPAIR & HOME MAINTENANCE: Bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Rick at 330- 322- 7996.


DO YOU FEEL LIKE YOU NEED HELP TYING UP THE LOOSE ENDS? I can help. I offer great rates for cleaning, organizing, and assisting with errands or dog walking. Flat rates, not hourly. References available upon request. Call Emily Holody at 330-256-6641.

INTERESTED IN HANDMADE CARDS, SCRAPBOOKS, OR HELP WITH PARTY INVITATIONS? I can help! Please visit my website at: and feel free to contact me with any orders or questions. Call Emily Holody 330-256-6641.

TOTAL BODY FITNESS: Do You Love To Dance? "Total Body Fitness For A Better You" offers total body toning through constant movement. Come experience one of our classes for FREE! No two are alike. We offer our clients complete body fitness through standing abs, hips, thighs, buns, arms & legs, salsa, cha-cha, we have it all and we have FUN! Also, we offer one-on-one personal training, low-impact weight classes, circuit training, band and exercise ball workouts.
Winter is coming...what have YOU got to lose except a few pounds. We are in Peninsula on the corner of Riverview Rd. and 303. Look for our sign or give us a call.
Natalie 330-730-3355 or 330-657-2963 Carlean 216-470-4309.

PAINTING: Interior painting, light exterior touch-up work. Please call Mark 216-849-8758.

BEAUTY: I bring The Body Shop to you! All natural products. Great as gifts for family, friends, or yourself. Great specials! Call Renee Baker at 330-701-0981 for an appointment or a catalog.

THE NEEDLEWORKER: Creating tomorrow’s heirlooms with needle and thread. Reproduction and original samplers stitched from your pattern or mine. Over twenty years stitching experience. Private lessons also available, Call Susan Black at 330-922-0988.

TREE TRIMMING: No job too small. Call Tom Godlewski 330-650-9678.

LEGAL SERVICES: Local resident, Heather R. Dyer, is available to provide legal services. Call 330-657-2690.

CUSTOM RESTORATION: Custom wood trim, plaster and drywall repair, sash, door and hardware, century home restoration. Call Dan Torowski at 330-659-0055

VILLAGE HANDY: Remodeling, carpentry, tile, general plumbing & electrical. Call Buddy Milhoan at 657-2699.

LICKITY-SPLIT: Tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

OUTDOOR STORAGE AND PARKING: Affordable, secure, and convenient for boats, recreational vehicles and automobiles. Now available at the Virginia Motel. Call today 330-342-0864.

WESTERN RESERVE RENOVATIONS: Home repairs, improvements and renovations. Peninsula local, insured and bonded. Call for free quote. Jason Klein 330-221-3461.

BIG FRANK’S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE: Prompt service, free onsite estimates, seven days a week. Portable unit fits through a 36” opening. Call Frank Grezlik at 330-281-1280.

SILHOUETTES: Children’s silhouettes from your photos or mine $15.00. Black paper cut on white background that fits an 8x10 frame. Samples available. Call Lois Unger at 657-2385.

FISHER FENCING AND DECKS: Add security and value to your property with wood or vinyl fences, gates, and decks. Local resident with years of experience. References. For a free estimate call Dale Fisher at 330-858-2026.

BABYSITTER: Responsible 15-year-old, with babysitter course training, good with kids. Please call Danielle 330-655-0734.

HOME CARE SERVICES: Providing trusted, reliable, affordable, courteous home care service for elderly. Bonded and insured. Richard Pivovar at 330-668-1051.

PLASTERING AND DRYWALL: Artistic Finish & Design Co. Plaster and drywall repair specialist with over thirty years experience. Free estimates, reasonable prices, bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Maxx at 330-626-1669.

HOMEBOUND? Haircuts, shampoo, and styles provided in your home by licensed cosmetologist. Call Peggy Buckshaw at 330-571-5282.