A true friend is
someone who is
there for you
when he’d
rather be
anywhere else

Len Wein
April 2010 VOLUME 27 NUMBER 4

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WEBSITE: Visit our website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information.

PUBLIC HEARING: A public hearing was held on March 31, 2010 in the Township offices regarding the Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s sewer system for the Boston Mills Historic District. Many questions were raised regarding the location of the system as well as the reasons for such a robust system. Those attending the hearing were told that the questions were not appropriate for the hearing and should be addressed at different venue.

LIBRARY LEVY: The Trustees passed a resolution in support of the Akron-Summit County library levy on the May ballot. The Peninsula Library receives $80,000 per year from this levy representing 18.6% of their budget. The Peninsula Library is a major part of our community and the Trustees urge you to support the levy so that they may continue to provide excellent services. Trustee Randy Bergdorf abstained from this resolution as he is the library’s director.

ROAD ASSISTANCE: The Township received funding from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s road assistance program for Hines Hill and Major Roads. The Major Road project is a cooperative effort with Richfield and Peninsula.

JOINT MEETING: There will be a joint meeting with Peninsula Village on May 10, 2010 at 7:00PM at the Peninsula Village hall to discuss cemetery funding and other mutual interests.

BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE: The Bicentennial Committee continues to meet on the third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 in the Township meeting room. Anyone wishing to help is invited.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015. Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.

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At the April meeting, Council had the third reading and voted in favor of the ordinance that will create a Fiscal Officer and do away with the elected Village Clerk Treasurer position when my term is ended on December 31, 2011. (This change also moves the term ending date to 12/31/11 from 03/31/2012).

Council also passed the ordinance which vacates the portion of Church Street that is on the north and east side of Bronson Church. The easement reverts back to the surrounding property owners, Peninsula Valley Historic and Education Foundation and Jonathon and Emily Holody.

The village is seeking a person to clean the village hall on a weekly basis. If you are interested, please contact Nancy Orahoske or Eileen Herbert at 657-2714.

The latest on the Players Barn: Council has approved spending $1200 over six months to advertise for a prospective tenant who would be willing to renovate for rent abatement. Mary Booth, our Buildings and Grounds liaison, will be handling the advertising.

Don’t forget to get out and vote on May 4!

Watch for notices on meetings for the Water & Sewer Committee, Employee Compensation Committee and other Council Committees

Regular Meetings:
Council Meeting: May 10, 2010 – 7:00 pm
Board of Zoning Appeals: May 13, 2010 - 7:00 pm
Check the Library, Post Office, Village Hall, Terry Lumber or Middle School for other meetings and postings.

Village Hall hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm daily except holidays and weekends.

330-657-2151 – Mayor and administration
330-657-2714 – Clerk Treasurer and Zoning Inspector
330-657-2089 – Service Department
330-657-2995 – Police Department
330-657-2911 – Non-Emergency Police and Fire Dispatch

Pamela S. Burda, Clerk-Treasurer

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Our Annual Pancake Breakfast will be held May 2, 2010 at the fire station from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. Adults $6.00 and Children $3.00, all the pancakes, sausage, and eggs you care to eat.

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I would like to remind everyone that there is a levy on the ballot May 4 that will directly impact the Peninsula Library & Historical Society. Many years ago, our Board of Trustees had the foresight to reach an agreement with the Akron-Summit County Public Library whereby levy money collected in our service area of Boston Heights, Boston Township and Peninsula Village would be returned to the Peninsula Library. This arrangement means that the Peninsula Library receives just under $80,000 per year to supplement the money we receive from the State of Ohio. For 2010, the amount we receive from the ASCPL levy will represent 18.6% of our total anticipated revenue of $427,093. What will be appearing on the May 4 ballot is known as a replacement levy. Unlike a renewal levy, a replacement levy is voted in at the current appraised values of properties, not the values that were in place at the time the last levy was originally approved. This will mean a very slight increase in taxes amounting to $2.55 per $100,000 valuation in property values. The replacement levy would be collected at a total rate of approximately $43 per $100,000 valuation. Even though the passage of this levy would mean that the Peninsula Library would be receiving slightly more revenue from the levy over the next five years, please bear in mind that this will not offset the reductions in state funding that the library has experienced due to the on-going recession. Because of the downturn in the economy and further reductions enacted by the state, we will be receiving $96,873 less in 2010 than we did in 2008. If you have any questions about this levy and its impact on the Peninsula Library, please be sure to contact me at the library.

Randy Bergdorf, Director

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While visiting one the members of Mother of Sorrows Parish and a resident of our community, I asked for an idea for writing something in YCN and they said do something about "staying in touch". What a great thought! How many of us lose contact with relatives, friends, former neighbors, classmates and others as the years go by. Yet what a joy more often than not when we encounter that relative or friend or old neighbor! We wonder why we did not write, send a card, make a phone call. Today it can be an email or there is a more constant communication called twitter. The point is there is everything to be gained by staying in touch and so much to lose by not doing so. A little effort can go a long way to bring some sunshine, hope, joy, or just recognition that someone is not forgotten because you remember to stay in touch.

Father John Terzano

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It’s time again to plan the Memorial Day Parade. Remember for those interested in being in the parade: girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, cheerleaders, little league teams, other sports teams, or antique cars and tractors you need to call and get your names in the line-up.

The lower back parking lot is reserved for antique cars, school busses and people marching!

Please call Patty Tesmer at 330-657-2064 to have your name or group entered into the line-up. Please remember to leave your dogs at home. Looking forward to another good year.

Patty Tesmer

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Valley Home Days will be held on Saturday, August 14, 2010. We will be having the 5K Race, Kiddie Carnival and Street Dance again this year.

If any group or organizations would like to participate in any way please let me know. All participation would be greatly appreciated. Let’s have another day loaded full of FUN!! We had a successful community get together last year and this year will be even better.

Please contact Pam Schneider at (330) 657-2331 or email: pam9963@aol.com. If sending an email please put Valley Home Days in subject line. Look forward to hearing from everyone.

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Congratulations to Joe Guenther who made the Dean’s List at Ohio State University. Joe’s parents, Kay and Patrick are very proud of him.

I would like to thank Peninsula Police officer Keith Thompson for his hard work and dedication to the people of this community. Keith has shown kindness and compassion to all of our residents and exemplified professionalism. Our loss is a definite gain for Boston Heights. Stay safe, Keith.

Amy Anderson

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The Peninsula Valley Historic & Education Foundation greatly appreciated the support of council members Moyer, Anderson, Padrutt, and Booth with respect to the recent vacation of a portion of Church Street. The move will allow the church drive to be historically maintained for the continued use by visitors to the Bronson Memorial Church, which Councilman Moyer so eloquently described as one of the jewels of the village. The Foundation is committed to helping village leaders and residents advance Peninsula while preserving the rich culture and history of the village. We thank these council members for recognizing our commitment and the value of the Bronson Memorial Church.

The Staff and Board of the Peninsula Valley Historic & Education Foundation

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Just wanted to bring attention to our local kids who have participated in Summit County 4-H programs. They all have participated in local parades, community projects, tractor pulls, animal projects, and all the hard work that makes our Summit County Fair a great fair to come to. Please attend this year if you can. It’s July 27 through August 1.

Nick Belluardo: poultry projects, independent wood projects, on the 2009 King and Queen Court.

John Belluardo: poultry projects, Junior Prince 2007, Cover Design 2nd place both 2007 and 2009 for our Premium Book.

Brian Schall: poultry and goat projects, Junior King and Queen Court 2004, member of the 2007 Avian Bowl Team (First place at the Ohio State Fair).

David Booth: horse project.

Andrew Perko: poultry project.

Cassandra Ausperk: horse project and state qualifier for the Ohio State Fair, Princess 2004, Queen runner-up for 2007, 2007 Saddle Horse Scholarship award.

Bryant Ausperk: poultry and swine projects, Prince runner-up.

Karalynn Carroll (KC): horse project with Reserve Champion for her class.

Carly Rickenbacher: horse project (numerous awards).

Hope I did not miss anyone; anyways these kids give up a lot of their summers to work and compete at the fairgrounds. A lot is expected of them and in return they learn a lot about hard work and the pay off too. They have a lot of exposure to Ohio State programs and what competition is all about. Please tell these kids “congratulations” if you see them around town. These are our future leaders and community minded children. A very big thanks to them.

Mary Beth Schall
4-H advisor

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Clothing, housewares and a lot more to Benefit Peninsula Library and Historical Society and the National MS Society.

Quality Clothes, Nicely Displayed Fri-Sun 8:30-4:30 April 30 through May 23 at Hickory Hill Farm, 2251 Major Road, Peninsula.

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Helen A. Conger (nee Morris), age 98, a life time resident of Peninsula, Ohio, died March 31, 2010 at the Gardens of Western Reserve.

Viola Sullivan (nee Wojtkowski), 99, passed away on April 7, 2010 at The Merriman. Locally she is survived by her son and daughter-in-law Mark and Sue and her sister Leona Tesmer.

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And now for a bit of gardening news: I’d be skeptical about those compost tumblers that claim to turn your compost into garden ready material in 14 days. I bought one, early last spring, and yes I bought the stimulus ingredients, and yes I turned them as directed, and no, the contents are still not garden ready. I'm glad I kept my old fashioned one that you fill from the top and empty from the bottom. . . . .Because of the shortage of honey bees, I’m thinking about investing in some mason bee nests. Mason bees are said to be smaller, gentler, and 90% more effective at pollinating than standard honeybees. Plus they don't sting. A nest of them costs $45.

Using the recipes from her grandmother, Helen Sikorski Johnston, Autumn Johnston has started her own business in the federal building in Akron and calls it “Posh Pierogi". These were served at the pierogi dinners at the Peninsula United Methodist Church during Lent, and many proclaimed them the "best they ever tasted." There are 21 different kinds available including potato, cheddar, apricot, apple, and yam and walnut. They can be ordered by phone at 330-608-0683 or by website at www.poshpierogis.com they are shipped frozen and packed with dry ice.

Stop by at the downtown emporium to see the beautiful Victorian-hanging lamp, which belonged to Helen Conger's grandfather. Helen donated it to be sold so that the proceeds could go to the ongoing restoration work at Boston Township schoolhouse.

About four years ago, a man named Neil Zaza, who grew up in Northfield, became a famous guitarist, and came to Peninsula Library to make a proposition to the community about the Peninsula Players Barn.

A meeting was held at the library and the room was packed with interested people. He was asking for a 10 year lease for the Peninsula Players building, and presented a list of the expenditures he planned to make and improvements which he wanted to make to the building. He met with solid discouragement from the two councilmen who sat up front and disparaged his offers. So he packed up his offers and left the building. Recently I have been going through old papers and found his proposal, and decided to call him up. It turns out he is still interested, so let’s see what happens now…..

Lily Fleder

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Dave Repicky, Ceramic Art
Diane Seskes, Photography

May 1 - May 29, 2010 Saturdays from 6 - 10 pm Akron ArtWalk Saturday, May 1 from 6-10 pm. Reception Saturday, May 8 from 6-10 pm at Millworks Gallery 106 N. Main Street Akron, Ohio 44308 330-253-2007


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Towpath Preschool is currently enrolling 3-5 year old students for the 2010-2011 school year. The junior class (3 and 4-year-olds) meets Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-11:30. The senior class (4 and 5-year-olds) meets Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:00-11:30 with an optional pre-kindergarten extended day from 11:30-1:55 on Tuesday and Wednesday. For more information call Tammy at 330-657-2071.

Towpath Preschool has served Peninsula and surrounding communities for over 30 years. It is located in the lower level of the Peninsula United Methodist Church at Route 303 and Akron-Peninsula Road. The school is non-sectarian and is licensed by the State of Ohio. Towpath is a developmental program oriented toward learning through a variety of hands-on experiences as well as through socialization and creative play.

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PROPERTY AND FREE STANDING BUILDING FOR SALE: 4,000 Square Ft. Freestanding Building. Zoned Industrial with Flexible Permit Use. Metal Construction. Two (2) 10' x 14' Doors. 1.58 Acres. 3 Phase Electric. Gas Heat. Partially Securred Yard. 6 in. Concrete Floors. Proximity to: CVNP, Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Depot, Ohio and Erie Canal Lock 29, Towpath Trail, Art Galleries and Shops, Peninsula Art Acedemy, BMBW Ski Resorts, Brandywine Golf Course, and many other attractions. Call 330.697.5079

FOR SALE: Mobile home in Hudson Estates. Hudson Schools. Three bedrooms with 1˝ bathrooms, 2002. Reduced to $15,500.Call Celeste at Remax 330-867-6587.

LICKITY-SPLIT: Tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

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LICENSED ELECTRICIAN: Peninsula Resident offers high quality electrical work with a discount to Peninsula residents. Call Steve at 330-310-1061 www.missionelectricohio.com

PLYMOUTH MEMORIAL: Cemetery markers and monuments. Located at 5095 Akron-Cleveland Road. Call 330-650-1545.

WEDDING AND PARTY HELP: Are you planning a party or wedding? If so I can help! I can take care of as much or as little as you would like. Fees are based upon what is needed. References and pictures available. Emily Holody 330-256-6641

Q-BALL WELDING & SONS: We will take care of all your fabrictions and welding needs. Jeff Plymire 330-618-4255.

STONE AND BRICK PATIOS AND WALKWAYS: Local and reliable. Please call for more information and quotes. Jason Mays 330-714-5387.

EXCAVATION WORK: 25 years exp. Utility installation, repair and upgrades. Landscaping, hardscapes and concrete. Foundation installation and repairs, etc. Booth Excavating 330-573-8875/330-657-2244. YARD REFUSE

BIG FRANK’S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE: Prompt service, free onsite estimates, seven days a week. Portable unit fits through a 36” opening. Call Frank Grezlik at 330-281-1280.

TREE/WOOD REMOVAL: If you have a tree to take down or wood to get rid of (no rotten wood) please give me a call. I need firewood. Call Matt at 330-657-2138.

VALLEY ROOF REPAIR & HOME MAINTENANCE: Bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Rick at 330-322-7996.

CHAIR REPAIR: including cane, rush and splint seat weaving. 35 years experience. Call David Shankland at 330-467-6772.

ROSARIES: Beautiful handmade one-of-a-kind rosaries. Handcast centers and crucifixes. Colors are the shopper’s choice. Great gifts for Christmas, Baptisms, birthdays, First Communion and Confirmations. Some rosaries are on display at the Peninsula Art Academy. Call Mary Anne at MAD Creations, 657-2085.

JEWELRY AND PENINSULA T-SHIRTS: Contact Sara Padrutt at sbpdesign@hotmail.com or visit dogwooddesign@etsy.com.

BEAUTY: I bring The Body Shop to you! All natural products. Great as gifts for family, friends, or yourself. Great specials! Call Renee Baker at 330-701-0981 for an appointment or a catalog.

THE NEEDLEWORKER: Creating tomorrow’s heirlooms with needle and thread. Reproduction and original samplers stitched from your pattern or mine. Over twenty years stitching experience. Private lessons also available, Call Susan Black at 330-922-0988.

TREE TRIMMING: No job too small. Call Tom Godlewski 330-650-9678.

LEGAL SERVICES: Local resident, Heather R. Dyer, is available to provide legal services. Call 330-657-2029.

CUSTOM RESTORATION: Custom wood trim, plaster and drywall repair, sash, door and hardware, century home restoration. Call Dan Torowski at 330-659-0055

VILLAGE HANDY: Remodeling, carpentry, tile, general plumbing & electrical. Call Buddy Milhoan at 657-2699.

OUTDOOR STORAGE AND PARKING: Affordable, secure, and convenient for boats, recreational vehicles and automobiles now available at the Virginia Motel. Call today 330-342-0864.

SILHOUETTES: Children’s silhouettes from your photos or mine $15.00. Black paper cut on white background that fits an 8x10 frame. Samples available. Call Lois Unger at 657-2385.

HOME CARE SERVICES: Providing trusted, reliable, affordable, courteous home care service for elderly. Bonded and insured. Richard Pivovar at 330-668-1051.

PLASTERING AND DRYWALL: Artistic Finish & Design Co. Plaster and drywall repair specialist with over thirty years experience. Free estimates, reasonable prices, bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Maxx at 330-626-1669.