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A former resident of Hudson reports that the water and sewer taxes on the restored house he lived in on 303 had water and sewer assessments of over $600 per mo. This seems to call for a survey of just what the combined water and sewer taxes are in nearby communities. Watch here for further information on this subject.
Charlie Moyer's son, Ryan Moyer, 19, has signed up with the United States Marine Corps. God bless you and watch over you, Ryan. Semper Fi!
If Chic Tesmer has had enough time to get a band together, by now its celestial polka time in heaven. How many of us remember the Halloween Fundraiser Ball at the Peninsula Nite Club in the sixties, where you weren’t allowed in if you didn't come in costume? Well. There was Chic Tesmer in front of the band, facing the guests, wearing a very dignified business suit. For awhile. Then he turned around and faced the band, and that’s when we saw his costume, shorts, bvd's and all. The whole back of the suit had been removed and was held in place by the collar, waistband, and the cuff bands at the bottom of the slacks.
Just a second, I think I see Willie Ritch, too. He's dressed in the uniform of the United States Navy, the same one he wore in World War II and in Memorial Day parades thereafter. He never outgrew it. Can't you just see both of them in Jack Russell’s powder blue Cadillac convertible, at the Memorial Day parades? Happy trails to you, old friends.
The other day, as I went about my area, poison ivy spray in hand, it dawned on me that every year, I deal with the same vines in the same places. Somehow, I thought, "you give them a shot of this stuff and that's the end of it" but it isn't. So then I went to the computer and looked under poison ivy, and whadda ya know? Seems there are some really powerful poisons you can use on it, but the only sure way to eliminate it is this: after a good rain, using a special protectant cream in case of accidental contact, and after dressing carefully, with full arm , leg and exposed area coverage, you grasp it at ground level, pull it out by the roots, put it into a trash bag, which you seal tightly and put it into the rubbish. The good sturdy rain is important, because you want to haul out as much as possible, so that it doesn't come back later. Never, never put poison ivy into a fire, because the smoke carries the irritant and can harm breathing functions. Poison ivy is ubiquitous. That means it grows everywhere, and that I was looking for a chance to use that word anyway.
Peddlers Day, Saturday October 2 is a local tradition that can help to bring serenity back into your life. Most of us have too blasted much stuff, and weeding it out can be a great catharsis, and provide a boost to someone in need at the same time. Do you really need a noodle drying rack? Call Nina Alvis or Chanah Spencer to get on the map, which will be widely distributed and advertised, and will show exact locations of places to shop. Every time you get rid of something you don't need, its like losing five pounds. Beats dieting.. . . . .