All that I am,
or hope to be,
I owe to my
angel mother.

Abraham Lincoln
April 2012 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 4

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VANDALISM: The trustees discussed the recent vandalism at Boston Cemetery. Approximately ten markers were toppled and broken.

SEASONS ROAD SEWER DESIGN: Trustee Ritch reported that the sewer design contract will go to Summit County Council next week. It will go before committee and hopefully a vote on May 21st. The project design cost had been reduced to $1.5 million.

PAVING PROJECTS: Summit County Councilman Nick Kostandaras attended the April 11th meeting and reported he has sponsored legislation to pave portions of Akron-Peninsula and Boston Mills Roads in the Township. This will be of no cost to the Township. Our thanks to Nick for all of his efforts on behalf of the Township.

ROAD VACATIONS: Requests for the vacation of Stanford, Wetmore, and a section of Oak Hill south of the Everett Road connector have been filed with Summit County.

PARKING LOT: The Trustees voted to expend up to $2,000 to correct a drainage problem on the lower level of the parking lot.

WEBSITE: Visit our website at to find up-to-date Township information.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015, Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.

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The Village Council met in regular session on April 9, 2012. The Council recognized and honored four Eagle Scouts for their achievements and outstanding service to the community. Those receiving commendations from the Mayor were Austin Barnhart, Nicholas Freund, Jared Cottril and John Slocum.

The Mayor announced that the Council would like to invite the Boston Township Trustees to the next meeting to discuss cemetery issues and other items that might be of mutual concern. The Mayor also expressed a sincere thank you to all the citizens who responded with food and other items at the Memorial Service held at the GAR Hall after the tragic accident that occurred in our Community. The Mayor, Council and all employees of the Village would like to extend their deepest sympathies to the family of Melissa Pearsall.

Council also voted to accept a grant from the Summit/Akron Solid Waste Management Authority. The funds will be used to help establish an official web site for the Village.

Meetings coming up at the Village Hall:
Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting May 10 at 7:00P.M.
Regular Council Meeting May 14 at 7:P.M.

Check the Library, Post Office, Village Hall, Terry Lumber and the Woodridge Intermediate School for postings.
Police Department – Non-emergency Police and Fire Department - 330-657-2911
Mayor and Court - 330-657-2151
Fiscal Office/Zoning - 330-657-2714
Service Department - 330-657-2089

John D. Steigel, Fiscal Officer

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All the Pancakes You Can Eat

Including: Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Orange Juice, Milk and Coffee.
When: Sunday April 29, 2012
Time: 8:00am to 1:00pm
Where: Valley Fire Station
5287 Dogwood Drive
Peninsula Ohio, 44264

Cost is $6.00 for Adults and $4.00 for Kids 10 and under.
Tickets will be available at the door.
For more information call the station 330-657-2292

We look forward to seeing you there!!

Any checks must be made out to: Valley Firefighters Inc.

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Beginning in May, brush chipping for residents in the unincorporated part of the township will be the first Monday of each month. Please remember to place your branches at the curb and away from mailboxes. No root balls please.

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It’s time for Memorial Day planning again. We have used all of the donated military funeral flags given to us in the past four or five years. We welcome your gifts of casket flags from any and all United States military actions. Please put a note with veteran’s name, service branch, and years served with the flag. You can call me at 330-657-2064 and we can arrange a pickup or drop off the flag.

If you are planning to be in the “Memorial Day Parades” or having a group march, you MUST call me and confirm your participation. 330-657-2064.

I also need the names of any of our residents past or present, Woodridge alumni included. Please call with your name, rank, branch of service, and where they are serving. 330-657-2064.

Hoping for good weather!

Patty Tesmer

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If you’re planning on installing a concrete drive keep a minimum distance of ten feet from the edge of the road.

A township is required to maintain road right of ways, keeping the roads free from obstructions and roadside obstacles that can be identified as dangers to the traveling public and the township has the authority to prevent and prohibit the construction of obstructions and obstacles within a township road right of way.

The township has a duty to keep areas within its control free from conditions that directly jeopardize the safety of traffic on the road. If the township fails in its duty, it may be liable for injuries caused by the obstruction.

Objects that may be declared a hazard include fence, post, pole, rock or berm, pipe, railroad tie wall, large decorative mailbox support / foundation / Concrete / rock / brick pillars, any vegetation or any other object identified by the board or superintendent.

Tim Tesmer, Road Superintendent, Boston Township

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Happy 97th birthday to Milt Garrett. Milt is the founding father of Your Community News and former resident of Boston Township. Birthday greetings may be sent to 251 Kendal Drive, Oberlin, OH 44074.

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Back by popular demand! The Foundation will host another Spring Tea at the G.A.R. Hall on Saturday, May 19th at 1:30pm. The program will be “The Art & Mystery of Tea Etiquette.” Guests are encouraged but not required to dress up. Tickets are $25.00 per person for adults and $15.00 for young ladies 12 and under. They can be purchased by calling the Foundation office at 330-657-2528.

Our Civil War Lecture Series returns for another season! Join us on Thursday, April 26th at 7:00pm when Dr. Peter D’Onofrio presents Medical Advancements of the Civil War. Admission is free!

Join us for Open Mic Night at the G.A.R. Hall every third Thursday of the month from 7:00-11:00pm. Admission is free!

On Saturday, March 24th an enormous crowd enjoyed a spring like afternoon at the G.A.R. Hall where volunteers had prepared fifteen homemade soups, bread and desserts for a gorgeous lunchtime buffet. The Foundation is immensely appreciative of all who attended this special event as well as the dedicated volunteers who exhausted themselves while carrying a cheerful smile and welcoming all to Soup’s On during Cabin Fever Day in the Village. Special thanks to Ronda Russell at the Emporium!

Call for local artists! If would be interested in renting a booth at the G.A.R. Hall on Saturday, June 30th for our “Artists Alley,” send an email to

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On March 20, 2012 Keith Morgan took the oath of office as Richfield’s new police chief. Morgan joined Richfield’s department ten years ago after serving as Chief of Police for Peninsula. Keith grew up in Peninsula and is a graduate of Woodridge. He and his wife, Nancy, live in Northfield.

Richfield Mayor Bobbie Beshera administers the oath of office to Chief Keith Morgan accompanied by his wife, Nancy

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On April 17, 2012 John “Pete” Petrovich became a member of Richfield’s Police Department. Before joining Richfield, Pete was in his eleventh year on Peninsula’s department. He came to Peninsula from Boston Heights.

Pete, his wife Tiffanie and daughters Aspen and Paisley reside in Boston Township.

Richfield Mayor Bobbie Behsera administers the oath of office to John “Pete” Petrovich accompanied by his wife Tiffanie.

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If you like to glow with pride, stop at the Library to see the April issue of Old House Journal and Lois Unger's photographs of Peninsula's choice old houses, which won first Prize for the State of Ohio. . . . . You did save your wood ash from your fireplace or wood stove for your garden soil, didn't you? This is the phosphorous part of the soil building elements that plants need. Lime, which now comes in granular rather than the blowey powder form, and compost are two more. Just broadcast the three matters over dry, crumbly ground before tilling your garden . . . . .

Some of the newer folks in town are the Saffles, who bought the Old Conger House on Riverview Road, The brick house which has planted in front of it, two fir trees brought from the site of the Civil War Battle of Chickamauga by Colonel Arthur Conger, an ancestor of the late Helen Conger, and Kevin and Carol Kramer, who bought the house Jennie Russell Scourfield and her family lived in on Main Street. Its nice to welcome new neighbors to our town. If you have ever been a stranger in a strange new town, you will know for sure what it means to learn that you are welcome.

There was a big and enthusiastic turnout for the last Peninsula Players Barn meeting. Anyone who is interested in helping this project should call or e-mail Lia Lockert at 330 657 -2143, or The meetings are held at Peninsula Library.

If you have ever been a stranger in a strange new town, you will surely understand how important it is to welcome newcomers.

My Swedish son-in-law, Stephan Erickson, just installed for me something spectacular. It’s an amazing high-rise, water-saving toilet that uses only 1 1/2 pints of water per flush. You can see them at Loew's, but not in action. I'm thinking of charging admission if you'd like to see it in action.

Thursday evenings at the G.A.R. Hall are a lot of fun. Locals gather to hear various musicians perform, and to have light refreshment. Y'all come down and join in!

And now for those who are planning a garden, there is this quote from the past about earthworms: "It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world as have these lowly organized creatures." This was written by Charles Darwin in Formation of Vegetable Mould Through the Action of Earthworms, published in 1881.

Lily Fleder

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To the Editors:

About three years ago we sat down with a contractor at the picnic table in the backyard and sketched out a proposed renovation of 1904 Main Street. Over the next years, we made numerous changes and revisions as we attempted to anticipate the housing needs of a couple nearing retirement. We now have a plan. Over the next several months you will see some major changes at the Clifton house on the east corner of Emerson and Main. Part of the house will be replaced with a timberframe addition. Timberframe is type of construction used in old barns where the structure is supported on posts and beams rather than load bearing walls. Hopefully, in early summer we will have a "barn raising" party when the timberframe is erected. The timberframe addition and the old house will be integrated into an exterior architecture that will blend with the prevailing style of Peninsula. We look forward to renovating our house and reestablishing ourselves in Peninsula.

Bill and Nancy Clifton

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Re: Jan Bishop

What a Beautiful Human being . . one that was an example to us all! I never heard her say a Bad word about anybody-If you needed help she never Judged . .only asked, “What can I do to help”? Without Her, our Community will be a little dimmer.

Theresa Reinbolt

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Open letter to: Clerk, Mayor, Peninsula Village Council

Of course the Person who would be best Police Chief Is Eddie – He is the Policeman most loved by our Community! He does His Job from the Heart . . as every Good Policeman does! He knows our Childrens Names – our Routines – The cars we drive . . those things make for a Great Small Town Cop – He is none Judgemental & always has a Smile We are able to confide In Him & know He won’t gossip around Town. I remember when Roger Riggins was Captain of our Police Dept. He Should have gotten position of Police Chief but The Town Fathers passed Him over, stating He’s too Young . . because He could never rise in rank here He left & we lost a Great Guy! Let’s reward Eddie . . He reminds me of My Son, Scott who Is also a Police Chief & moves from the Heart.

Theresa Reinbolt

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Dan Schneider is making a remarkable recovery from knee surgery. Joyce Jeric continues to recover from pneumonia. Edna Ratner is continuing to recover. Please remember them and the following in your prayers: Buddy Milhoan, Bonnie Sulzer, Larry Shrader, Gloria Ritch, Nancy Sue James Zvara, and Dave Mayer.

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Five weekends from May 4th through June 3rd. Open Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays from 11:00AM until 5:00PM or by appointment. Meet the Artists Reception on Saturday, May 19th from 5:30 to 7:30PM. Weniger & Simon performing. Artist Demonstration on Saturday, May 19th from 2:00 to 4:00PM. Heidi Holub, Jewelry.

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Our deepest condolences to the Pearsall family on the sudden death of Melissa on March 23, 2012. She is survived by her husband Craig, children Tuesday and Miles, mother Laurie Hall Trout, father Steven Trout, and brother Ryan Trout.

Former Everett resident Richard M. Hazlett passed away March 31, 2012 at the age of sixty-five. He was preceded in death parents Richard and Myrtle and brothers Bob and Alfred.

Former Township resident Frances Ann Whitson passed away April 2, 2012 at the age of eighty. She is preceded in death by her parents J. Clayton and Nina Stanford and husband Charles J. Whitson.

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Total Body Fitness has added an extra Fitness Class every Saturday 11:00 - 12:00. You have been given only one body why not give it all the benefits that it needs to make "You a Better You."

Total Body Fitness Team worked very hard through the winter months. As instructors we have seen pounds disappear, inches melt away, and an increase in health and wellness.

We would like to thank all of our clients for your continued support. Thank you for letting us make you the best that you can be through a healthier body. Total Body Fitness is located at 6138 Riverview Rd. on the corner of Riverview Rd. and 303 in the gray building on the 3rd floor.
Carlean: 216 470-4309 (email
Natalie: 330-730-3355 or 657-2963 (email

Carlean Perez and Natalie Mitchell

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WANTED: Free fill dirt wanted, Olde Eight, North, near Matthews Thomas Park. Call 330-657-2228.

WANTED: Large round grindstone to use in landscaping. Please call Lynne at 330-620-1673.

PET SITTING IN YOUR HOME: For all your pet sitting needs, contact Precious Pets Sitting Service at 330-528-0158. Providing visits, midday walks and overnight service since 1997. Rates start $15/day, fully insured, Veterinary Technician.

LOCAL HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE. Will work with your budget. 30 years experience. Honest & reliable. Will do regularly or for special occasion (one time). Call Ellen (330) 657-2836

AMAZING 13 YEAR OLD READY TO WORK FOR YOU!: Possible tasks could include, babysitting or elder care/companion, dog walker/sitter, face painting for birthday parties, small household chores and, small cake pop orders personalized for any occasion. Red Cross babysitter certified. Please call Reilly or Holly at 330-459-2366

FREE FILL DIRT AVAILABLE: Fill dirt available in Peninsula area in early April. Email contact preferred to or call 907-349-2740.

FOR SALE: Bowflex Motivator with knee and chest attachments: $300. Size 10 wedding dress & veil: $100. Call Brenda at 330 467-6717

RECENT WOODRIDGE GRADUATE seeks clerical, domestic, and yard work. Experienced. References. Call: 216 -215-2859 or 330- 388-5939

PET PREFERRED CARE: Pet care services include pet sitting, dog walking, pet taxi, and pet massage. I live locally and can be reached at 216-219-2779 or on the web at Senior discounts available as well as weekly and monthly rates. We're a lick above the rest!

FOR SALE: Old bentwood rocker $150, art deco vanity with seat (broken mirror) $70.00, hand crocheted American flag afghan $75.00. Call Carlene at 330-929-2074.

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The Pierogi Lady aka Autumn Johnston: Find ME on Facebook or email me at for a list of over 35 types of pierogies! Introducing bite size pierogies! Don't forget we cater! 330-690-2129

TOTAL BODY FITNESS: Let Total Body Fitness give you the gift of health and fitness. Call Carlean 216-470-4309 or Natalie 330-657-2963 for details. Total Body Fitness is located on the corner of Riverview & 303 6138 Riverview Road in the tall gray building on the third floor.

LOCAL HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE. Will work with your budget. 30 years experience. Honest and reliable. Will do regularly, or one time (holiday). Call Ellen (330) 657-2836.

FOR SALE: Beautiful dollhouse miniature furnishings. Most are 1” scale. I make: furniture, accessories, ceramics, wood, upholstered furniture, and outdoor embellishments including brick walkways. I do custom work to your specifications. You can view my work on- Please call 330-657-2085 and avoid the shipping if you live close.

A PERFECT PLOW: Jesse Weitzel- general handyman-snow plowing-small concrete jobs-wood, tile, laminate & vinyl floor installation. Call (330)319-0469

LICKITY-SPLIT: Tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

GREEN CLEANING, DOG WALKING, AND MUCH MORE: Local company seeking new clients. We offer Personal Service, Green Cleaning, Pet Services, and a lot more. Call Neal @330.606.9498 or to learn more visit

LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER: Sant'Agata Photos OR For all photography needs: newborns, graduates, weddings etc. Resident discount.

KEVIN STONE PHOTOGRAPHY: Offering quality services for families, couples, seniors and other events. Call 330687-4262 WWW.KWSTPHOTO.CO.NT

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN: Peninsula Resident offers high quality electrical work with a discount to Peninsula residents. Call Steve at 330-310-1061

PLYMOUTH MEMORIAL: Cemetery markers and monuments. Located at 5095 Akron-Cleveland Road. Call 330-650-1545.

Q-BALL WELDING & SONS: We will take care of all your fabrications and welding needs. Jeff Plymire 330-618-4255.

BIG FRANK’S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE: Prompt service, free onsite estimates, seven days a week. Portable unit fits through a 36” opening. Call Frank Grezlik at 330-281-1280.

VALLEY ROOF REPAIR & HOME MAINTENANCE: Bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Rick at 330 322- 7996.

CHAIR REPAIR: including cane, rush and splint seat weaving. 35 years experience. Call David Shankland at 330-467-6772.

LEGAL SERVICES: Local resident, Heather R. Johnston, is available to provide legal services. Call 330-657-2029.

CUSTOM RESTORATION: Custom wood trim, plaster and drywall repair, sash, door and hardware, century home restoration. Call Dan Torowski at 330-659-0055

OUTDOOR STORAGE AND PARKING: Affordable, secure, and convenient for boats, recreational vehicles and automobiles now available at the Virginia Motel. Call today 330-342-0864.

WESTERN RESERVE RENOVATIONS: Home repairs, improvements and renovations. Peninsula local, insured and bonded. Call for free quote. Jason Klein 330-221-3461.

SILHOUETTES: Children’s silhouettes from your photos or mine $15.00. Black paper cut on white background that fits an 8x10 frame. Samples available. Call Lois Unger at 657- 2385.