Only a
mediocre person
is always
at his best.

Somerset Maugham
October 2012 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 10

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LEAF PICK-UP: Leaf pick-up continues.

SENIOR SNOW PLOWING: This program will continue this winter. If you were in the program last year you will automatically receive an application. Please call Amy at 330-657-2439 if you need an application.

EAD: A presentation was made to the Summit County Planning Commission on October 18, 2012 for the rezoning of the newly adopted Economic Activity District. While the Summit County Department of Development, planning division staff did not recommend approval of the rezoning, a compelling presentation was made and the Summit County Planning Commission unanimously approved the rezoning. Thank you to Mark Majewski of North Star Planning for his assistance.

SHARE-A-CHRISTMAS: The Trustees will again be sponsor this event for those in need. Boxes for donations will be placed at the Peninsula Library and Terry Lumber in early November.

WEBSITE: Visit our website at to find up-to-date Township information.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015, Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.

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The Village of Peninsula Council met in regular session on October 8, 2012. Ms. Lois Unger attended and asked that Council congratulate the other winners of the prestigious "Best Hometown" award given by Ohio Magazine. The Mayor expressed that he was coordinating efforts to possibly place a banner on the train congratulating Peninsula for its award. The Mayor thanked Ms. Booth and Village residents for a very successful Peddler Day event. Council also congratulated the Valley Fire District's newly-appointed Lieutenants Nick Zamiska and Scott Duber.

The Mayor asked for Council's nominations for the Village of Peninsula's Lifetime Achievement Award. Council approved a contract with Summit County Department of Community and Economic Development related to funding of demolition projects. Council also approved an internet auction for the used Service Department trucks through the site "" Council discussed the items listed for local auction and approved donating ten 800 MHz radios to Richfield who is still using this type of radios within their Road Department. Other items such as the 32 Historical Town Hall windows will be auctioned later at a public auction to be held at the Village's Service Department Garage. Council also discussed Zoning changes related to Fences, Walls, and Hedges and scheduled a Public Hearing for December 10, 2012, at 6:45 pm. Ms. Booth updated Council as to the Players Barn proposed lease opportunity.

Reminders mentioned:
October 31, 2012 Halloween Festivities: Trick or treat from 6:00 to 7:30 pm. Party and Costume Judging at the Woodridge Intermediate School starting at 7:30 pm.
Leaf Pick Up program begins October 15th and will end November 30th. Chamber of Commerce meeting is November 29th at the Library at 5:00 pm.
The Children's Community Christmas Party will be held at the Boston Township Hall on December 5, 2012 at 6:00 pm. To 8:00 pm.

Upcoming Town Hall Meetings:
Regular Session of Council: November 12, 2012 at 7:00 pm.
Public Hearing related to Zoning updates: December 10, 2012 at 6:45 pm.
Village Officials are holding two informational meeting regarding the upcoming Income Tax Issue. The first meeting will be Tuesday, October 23, 2012 at 7:00 pm. at the Library and the second meeting will be Monday, October 29, 2012 at the Village Town Hall.
Check the Library, Post Office, Village Hall, and Terry’s Lumber for postings.

Police Department – Non emergency Police and Fire Department - 330-657-2911
Mayor and Court - 330-657-2151
Fiscal Office/Zoning - 330-657-2714
Service Department - 330-657-2089

John D. Steigel, Fiscal Officer

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This is to bring you up to date regarding our ongoing efforts to resolve the noise and safety issues affecting our community. Since the newly formed third lane was opened in October 2003, the noise levels coming from the turnpike have ranged from annoying to deafening sounds that rattle windows. It’s often impossible to carry on conversations, watch TV or even sleep. We all know this all too well. We also have serious safety concerns. Within the past couple of years, trucks have gone off the road and through the guardrail ending up very close to our residents’ yards.

Past meetings with the Ohio Turnpike Commission concerning these issues have resulted only in the installation of “No Engine Brake” signs and promises to look into our problems. To date the signs have not been effective and there has been no update regarding their promises.

Recently we have had discussions with various turnpike officials including the director of community affairs and the highway patrol. We have requested that they step up enforcement of the engine brake policy and provide us with solutions for noise mitigation and safety concerns.

We have also solicited support from Summit County representative Nick Kostandaras, State Senator Frank LaRose and State Representative Marilyn Slaby. At this point they have committed to helping us. However, State Senator LaRose has suggested that our population density may not be high enough to support the investment for a noise abatement system. Nevertheless, we are cautiously optimistic that something can be accomplished and will keep you informed of any updates.

Jerry Ritch, Trustee

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The Valley Fire District Board of Trustees approved the addition of three new members to the department. Scott Finley is an EMT, Firefighter 2 living in Stow. Local resident William Hetzel is an EMT, Firefighter 2 and graduate of Valley’s fire training. Nolan Dylag is also an EMT Firefighter 2 from Walton Hills.

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WED. OCT. 31, 2012

Trick-or-Treat will be from 6:00 to 7:30 PM, the Community Party will be from 7:30 to 8:30 PM at the Woodridge Intermediate School. Come enjoy the costumes, games and refreshments. Costume judging to start at 8:00 PM

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Brought to you once again by
The Peninsula United Methodist Church

Every November for the past 70 plus years the community of Peninsula Village/Boston Township has celebrated Election Day by coming together for a wonderful meal. This year we will be serving roast turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, turnips, coleslaw, bread and butter, desert and coffee. Please come and join us and tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers. Let’s make this year the greatest yet!

LUNCH will be served at 11:30, 12:10 and 12:45
DINNER will be served at 5:00, 5:50, and 6:45
COST: ADULTS $10.00, CHILDREN $5.00, Kids five years and under eat free.

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Please remember the following in your prayers: Pastor Derek Kubilus, Buddy Milhoan, Bonnie Sulzer, Larry Shrader, Gloria Ritch, Nancy Sue James Zvara, Marilyn Griffith and Dave Mayer.

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The Peninsula United Methodist Church will be continuing the Annual Poinsettia Fundraiser of the now closed Towpath Preschool. We are using the same supplier and hope to continue this village tradition. Please call the church at 330.657.2567 or email us at with your request if you would like to receive an order form and we will get one out to you. The fundraiser will run with paid orders being accepted from Monday, November 19 through Monday, December 3. Poinsettias will be available for pick-up at the church Saturday, December 8 from noon to 4:00 p.m. Delivery arrangements can be made for a small donation.

Please remember to keep your Acme cash back receipts for the church. We are participating in this program again.

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The MOMS Club provides support and activities for at-home moms and their families in Hudson, Richfield, Peninsula and Streetsboro. Our monthly meetings are typically held on the second Monday of the month. Each meeting features a discussion group or a guest speaker covering a variety of topics. Mothers may bring their children with them. The MOMS Club is an international support group for mothers who stay home with their children, including those who have home-based businesses and those who work part time. For more information email

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Harvey Rogers passed away September 23, 2012. Preceded in death by his parents, Charles Rogers and Louis Ash, he is survived by brother, David. Harvey was an avid car collector and member of the Northern Ohio Chapter BMW Car Club of America.

Chad Glanco passed away October 3, 2012. Preceded in death by his father, Keith, Chad is survived by his wife Michelle, sons Crosby and Taylor, mother Diana Mayer Glanco-Nichols and sister, Stephany Craig.

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The annual Children’s Community Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday December 5, 2012 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Township Hall at the corner of Riverview and 303.

Come and enjoy Christmas crafts, music and refreshments. Make sure you bring your camera for a photo op with Mr. & Mrs. Claus and their friends. Sponsored by: Peninsula Police Department, Valley Fire District and the Peninsula Library

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Are You Ready For Social Security? November 12 at 7:00 PM
James C. Sexton III, CFP®, CFS and Alan Shall, CPA, CFP®, CFA of Western Reserve Capital Management in Hudson will discuss these important Social Security related issues. Please call the library to sign up for this program!

Celebrate Christmas in Peninsula! 7th Annual Mini Tree Display from November 24 to December 15
Christmas Mini Trees decorated by local merchants and organizations. Raffle tickets will be sold for a tree of your choice, and the winner gets to take the whole tree home. Tickets are $3 each or 5 for $10. The proceeds will go to the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and the Library’s Carole Wright Children’s Fund for children’s programming. The drawing will be held on the morning of December 17.

A Fifties Holiday Memory November 29 at 7:00PM
Join us at the Peninsula Library for an evening of Christmas memories! Bill Brauning will present a review of television in the 50's &60's during the holiday season, with the commercials, specials and general interesting holiday themes.

How the Grinch Stole Christmas Presented by the Illusion Factory Sunday December 16, 1:00 PM at the Boston Township Hall.
The Illusion Factory, Akron's only professional touring theater company for children, will be presenting “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” on Sunday December 16, 1:00 PM at the Boston Township Hall, 1775 Main St. This 25-minute production presents "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" as a staged reading. The two person play is appropriate for all ages.

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No matter how many times the voters have emphatically said NO, our local politicians just keep asking us to double Peninsula's income tax from 1% to 2%. This time they have come up with a new wrinkle. We are being led to believe that if we pass the levy this time, most residents will not pay additional tax. Instead it will mostly be paid by non-residents who work in the village. How could this be?

If we vote to raise Peninsula's tax RATE to 2%, it is my understanding that Council has promised to increase our tax CREDIT so we don't have to pay additional taxes. Sounds good, right? We vote higher taxes and make those who work here foot the bill.

Let me explain two concepts you need to know regarding city income taxes. While the voters control the local tax RATE, the politicians control the tax CREDIT you get for taxes you pay to the city where you work.

So if you now work in another city with a 2% tax RATE, you currently must pay Peninsula an additional .5% tax due to the current tax CREDIT.

But keep in mind Council could decide at any time to abolish that credit and you would have to pay Peninsula the full 1% tax. Or if we vote to increase the RATE, a full 2% tax. Do you think that would never happen? I never thought we would ever have to pay a former police chief to NOT come to work.

John Dooley

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Join us this Christmas for our sixth annual Live Nativity. Take a walk to the manger as you interact with the Magi, Roman guards, shepherds, live animals, and more. Free refreshments and live Christmas music by harp will be available inside the church throughout the evening. It will be held on Saturday, December 15; from 5:30 - 9:00 pm. Cornerstone Family Church is located at the corner of Hines Hill Rd. and Boston Mills Rd. in Boston Township, Ohio. This event is free - bring the whole family. God Bless and Have A Merry Christmas!

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The G.A.R. Hall will host a unique quilt show Hands, Hearts & Homes: Quilts of the Cuyahoga Valley from November 1-4, 2012. Planned with a local theme, it will feature quilts made in or the heirlooms of Cuyahoga Valley families. Food and drinks will be available on the lower level of the hall. Admission is a $3.00 donation at the door from 11:00am to 4:00pm. A new local quilt will be raffled. A wine and cheese preview night will be held Thursday, November 1st from 6:00-8:00pm with an $8.00 admission. Come join us for this special quilt event!

As part of the quilt show, the Foundation will host a Quilt Appraisal Clinic at the G.A.R. Hall on Friday, November 2nd from 1-4pm. Noted antique dealer Darwin D. Bearley will offer verbal appraisals for $3.00 and written appraisals for $5.00. Proceeds will benefit the G.A.R. Hall. No appointment is necessary.

Don’t forget to pick up your copy of Ohio Magazine in November! Peninsula will be featured as a “Best Hometown 2012-13!” The village was nominated by the Foundation and selected as the regional winner of this contest on August 24th.

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As winter approaches you might think the season is winding down at a golf course. Not so at Brandywine Country Club where we’re looking forward to more activity and fun, centered at Brandy-Wine-Bar, Peninsula's newest spot to uncork and unwind.

We’ll have wine and beer tastings, live music, plus other events in our two-story A-frame clubhouse overlooking the Par 3 course, which houses Brandy-Wine-Bar. The private room upstairs is already being booked for meetings and holiday parties, and there's plenty of good weather left for fall cookouts and golf outings at our pavilion.

Brandy-Wine-Bar stocks a full line of house wines, from Cabernet Sauvignon to Moscato, all easy-drinking and affordable. Each label celebrates the area’s history and legends. Bottles of Pinot Head Pinot Grigio display a picture of the Civil War monument that once stood in the intersection of Riverview Rd. and Route 303 and lost its head, literally, to a reckless driver in 1932. The MEARLot label is a tribute to Brandywine's founder, Earl Yesberger. Big Top Blanc Sauvignon Blanc remembers the days when the circus train arrived at Peninsula Depot and the performers and animals paraded down Route 303 to the Coliseum. And the Peninsula Python wraps itself around the Pinot Noir bottle.

Every month we also feature four or five additional wines that we think are good juice and good value. From month to month we might focus on seasonal wines, suggestions for the holidays, or a particular grape variety or growing region. For beer lovers, there's a selection of pale ales, lagers and shandies. There's also bottled water, iced tea, lemonade and other soft drinks.

You'll never know what's on the table so stop in regularly! You’ll find us at 5555 Akron-Peninsula Road. We’re open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 9 pm and Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 10 pm.

For more information visit our website, Or call us at (330) 657-2526.

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October 26, 7-midnight, Boston Township Hall Proceeds for restoration efforts at the Players Barn. $5 Donation at the door. Bring your own drinks and refreshments for a very reasonable night of fun. Adults only. Costumes optional but appreciated! Dance, dance, dance!

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One of the best investments you can make for a vegetable garden is . . .ASPARAGUS PLANTS. There are good sales this year in the garden supply catalogs. If the prices seem expensive, keep in mind that these plants can produce for 20 years. Planting asparagus may sound like a chore (the trenches need to be 10 inches deep), but once planted, they just keep on coming back, year after year. They freeze well, too. This year, the garden catalogs are showing some very attractive prices. The ones you don’t cut for the table will

leave a feathery, ferny green plant which is good in bouquets.

If your soil needs improving, stop sending your garbage into the trash pick-up, and let it start decomposing in a composter. All of that good garbage which goes into the disposal, can be building your garden soil into real food production. If you are in a hurry, get one that spins, because oxygen and moisture are two of the key ingredients for making compost. Lime is another ingredient, but these days we don’t have to deal with the fine powder that wafts up to your face. Loews has a granular form that lands low and stays there. The next ingredient, besides oxygen, is water or rain, which gets into the composter through the many air holes in a good composter.

Now, one more thing, when the Asplundh people come around to trim street trees, ask them for the grindings. All you do is give a good dose of powdered lime to the pile and then, let it season for about a year, and after that you have an excellent mulch for trees, shrubs, and vegetables. This kind of mulch will keep the weeds down. Let it season it for a year before you apply it.

Lily Fleder

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SNOWPLOWING: Reserve your spot on the route now. Seasonal or per push contract. Senior discount. Call for free estimate. Paul Baker, Baker Snow and Ice Management 330-474-9069.

ALEXANDER WATER: 330-923-0014.

FREE CAT TO A GOOD HOME: Gray tabby, six months old, fostered and de-wormed. Call Gwen at 234-380-5299.

WANTED: Black snakes, free to a good home. Call 330-650-4355.

FOR SALE: Hot wheels, Matchbox, Majorett, Golden, Lesney, some older. $1.00 each. China/curio Cabinet 5’8” tall, 2’ wide, 1 ½ ‘ deep. Glass on three sides, with light. $75. Various antique collectibles, must see. Call 330-650-5503.

FOR SALE: Size 10 wedding dress & veil: $100 Call Brenda at 330 467-6717

RECENT WOODRIDGE GRADUATE seeks clerical, domestic, and yard work. Experienced. References. Call: 216 -215-2859 or 330- 388-5939

PET SITTING IN YOUR HOME: For all your pet sitting needs, contact Precious Pets Sitting Service at 330-528-0158. Providing visits, midday walks and overnight service since 1997. Rates start $15/day, fully insured, Veterinary Technician.

LOCAL HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE. Will work with your budget. 30 years’ experience. Honest & reliable. Will do regularly or for special occasion (one time). Call Ellen (330) 657-2836

AMAZING 13 YEAR OLD READY TO WORK FOR YOU!: Possible tasks could include, babysitting or elder care/companion, dog walker/sitter, face painting for birthday parties, small household chores and, small cake pop orders personalized for any occasion. Red Cross babysitter certified. Please call Reilly or Holly at 330-459-2366

THE PIEROGI LADY AKA AUTUMN JOHNSTON: Find ME on Facebook or email me at for a list of over 35 types of pierogis! Introducing bite size pierogis! Don't forget we cater! 330-690-2129

TOTAL BODY FITNESS: Let Total Body Fitness give you the gift of health and fitness. Call Carlean 216-470-4309 or Natalie 330-657-2963 for details. Total Body Fitness is located on the corner of Riverview & 303 6138 Riverview Road in the tall gray building on the third floor.

FOR SALE: Beautiful dollhouse miniature furnishings. Most are 1” scale. I make: furniture, accessories, ceramics, wood, upholstered furniture, and outdoor embellishments including brick walkways. I do custom work to your specifications. You can view my work on- Please call 330-657-2085 and avoid the shipping if you live close.

LICKITY-SPLIT: Tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

GREEN CLEANING, DOG WALKING, AND MUCH MORE: Local company seeking new clients. We offer Personal Service, Green Cleaning, Pet Services, and a lot more. Call Neal @330.606.9498 or to learn more visit


For all photography needs: newborns, graduates, weddings etc. Resident discount.

KEVIN STONE PHOTOGRAPHY: Offering quality services for families, couples, seniors and other events. Call 330687-4262 WWW.KWSTPHOTO.CO.NT

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN: Peninsula Resident offers high quality electrical work with a discount to Peninsula residents. Call Steve at 330-310-1061

PLYMOUTH MEMORIAL: Cemetery markers and monuments. Located at 5095 Akron-Cleveland Road. Call 330-650-1545.

Q-BALL WELDING & SONS: We will take care of all your fabrications and welding needs. Jeff Plymire 330-618-4255.

BIG FRANK’S STUMP GRINDING SERVICE: Prompt service, free onsite estimates, seven days a week. Portable unit fits through a 36” opening. Call Frank Grezlik at 330-281-1280.

VALLEY ROOF REPAIR & HOME MAINTENANCE: Bonded and insured. No job too small. Call Rick at 330 322- 7996.

CHAIR REPAIR: including cane, rush and splint seat weaving. 35 years’ experience. Call David Shankland at 330-467-6772.

LEGAL SERVICES: Local resident, Heather R. Johnston, is available to provide legal services. Call 330-657-2029.

CUSTOM RESTORATION: Custom wood trim, plaster and drywall repair, sash, door and hardware, century home restoration. Call Dan Torowski at 330-659-0055

OUTDOOR STORAGE AND PARKING: Affordable, secure, and convenient for boats, recreational vehicles and automobiles now available at the Virginia Motel. Call today 330-342-0864.

WESTERN RESERVE RENOVATIONS: Home repairs, improvements and renovations. Peninsula local, insured and bonded. Call for free quote. Jason Klein 330-221-3461.

SILHOUETTES: Children’s silhouettes from your photos or mine $15.00. Black paper cut on white background that fits an 8x10 frame. Samples available. Call Lois Unger at 657-2385.