They took all the trees,
and put em in a
tree museum.

Big Yellow Taxi
November 2019 VOLUME 36 NUMBER 11

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The township minutes are posted on our website at and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Trustee meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of the month and the Board of Zoning Appeals meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Condolences: On behalf of Boston Township, the trustees express condolences to the family of Patty Tesmer. Besides serving on Peninsula Village Council for many years, Patty served on the Union Cemetery Board from 1996 through the end of last year. Each year Patty organized the Memorial Day parades, arranging for the vintage automobiles, coordinating with scouts and other youth groups, and placing Veterans in cars for the parades. At the staging locations, Patty would line up the cars (preferably chronologically to the year they were made) and make sure the other marchers (police, fire, school band, etc.) were in their proper place. (Please read the much fuller tribute to Patty found in this issue).

Thank you, Ed!: At the trustees` meeting held January 2, 1982, hometown boy Ernie Genovese`s law firm was hired to represent the township. Ernie`s partner, Ed Pullekins, was assigned to attend township meetings. For the following thirty-seven years, Ed was rehired at the township`s organizational meeting each January. November 27 will be Ed`s final meeting as township solicitor as he has decided to step down. At 6:00PM on November 27, we will be having an informal "thank you" to Ed and welcome all who wish to attend. At a later date, we will be having a more comprehensive "thank you" event.

Welcome, Al!: The township`s new solicitor will be Attorney Al Schrader. Al, who had his own law firm for many years, has just recently joined the firm of Roderick Linton Belfance, LLP. For many years Al served as a township trustee in Springfield Township and is recognized state-wide for his knowledge of zoning, annexation and JEDD issues.

Road Department: The township presented a draft road agreement to Peninsula Village for their meeting on November 11. Talks are still ongoing in an effort to have something in place to handle snow removal and ice control in the village for this winter. This agreement has been made necessary by the fire that destroyed the village road garage on January 24.

Leaf Removal: Residents can still put their leaves out for vacuuming. Leaves should be as close to the road as possible without actually being in the road. Leaves will be picked up until the weather prohibits.

Garbage Contract: The township received bids from Kimble and Rumpke regarding the trash contract. The lowest and best bid was from Kimble, who is the township`s current hauler. Under this three-year contract, the monthly cost for weekly pick up will be: $19.23 for 2020, $19.99 for 2021; and $20.58 for 2022.

Police Contract: The trustees approved a three-year contract with Peninsula Village for policing the township. The annual cost will be $272,937 for 2020, $281,022 for 2021 and $289,453 for 2022 with each year being a 3% increase of the prior year.

Salt Contract: The trustees approved a one-year salt contract with Peninsula Village. The township will provide salt to the village at the township`s cost ($109.50 per ton) with a $3.00 per ton charge for loading.

Meeting Date Change: The trustees meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. In December, the fourth Wednesday is Christmas Day. The trustees have voted to move that meeting to December 23 at the normal time of 6:00PM.

REMEMBERING: John Lahoski: December 19, 2005.

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at to find up-to-date Township information. Contact numbers for the Trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Bill Clifton: 330-657-4032. Fiscal Officer: Catherine Anson at 330-657-2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330-657-2600; and Zoning Inspector: Dan Schneider at 330-657-2601 or 234-900-9145.

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Nothing submitted.

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December 7, 2019
10:00AM to 4:00PM

Boston Township Hall
1775 Main Street
Peninsula, Ohio

For further information, please contact Amy at 330-657-2439.

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The Boston Township Trustees will again be sponsoring Share-A-Christmas for the community. Donation boxes are at the Peninsula Library and Terry Lumber. If you know anyone that should be included in Share-A-Christmas or have any questions, please contact Amy at 330-657-2439. Valley Fire will deliver everything on Saturday, December 14, 2019.

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Congratulations to the Woodridge Boys Cross Country Team
Congratulations to the Woodridge Boys Cross Country Team on placing first in the State Division II Tournament on November 2, 2019. This is their ninth championship and they are tied for the most in Ohio history.

Cross Country team arrived in style
The Woodridge Boys Cross Country team arrived in style as they returned from the state competition. They were escorted through town to the high school by two police cars, a rescue squad, and a fire engine. Our thanks to Chief Charlie Reidel and Chief Joe Varga for making this possible. Police officers Alan Jones and Jay Nagy, and firemen Joe McVey, Jeff Acomb, and Rory Skolnik escorted the busses through town. Special thanks to Roberta Conroy for her assistance. Welcoming the team through town were: Dan Schneider, Pam Schneider, Mark and Cathy Anson, Dave and Patti Krusinski, Dee Dee McGuire and daughter Meghan, Jon and Leslie Hampshire along with their four adorable granddaughters, Tom Germain and Amy Anderson.

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Thanks to all for your support of the annual Election Day dinner at PUMC! Shoppers, bakers, servers, kitchen crew, clean-up help and diners—we appreciate your participation in this decades-long Church and Community tradition.

With blessings from the Peninsula United Methodist Church Family.

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The Valley Fire District Invites You

To a retirement open house for Assistant Chief, Dave Morehouse

November 22, 2019 from 6:00PM to 9:00PM
Boston Township Hall 1775 Main Street
Corner of Main Street and Riverview Road

Beverages and light appetizers will be provided

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Christmas in Peninsula 2019

Christmas in Peninsula is a step back in time with many wonderful entertainers, food items, special events, animals, outstanding gift items and so much more! Please join us for the events listed below.

Thursday, December 5, CANDLELIGHT WALK from 5:00PM to 8:00PM. Roam the shops and restaurants in Peninsula, letting lighted luminary show you the way. In addition to the many traditional offerings, there will be two pop-up shops:

BluEye Dog in the old bank building and the Freight Building Market Place. The Crooked Kettle Popcorn Shop will be offering their goodies, and beside the choirs from Woodridge and Kent Roosevelt, a brass ensemble from Woodridge will be wandering the Village. Join us at 6:00PM for the Tree Lighting Ceremony on the Bronson Green. Local residents are encouraged to bring an ornament to adorn the tree and wear an UGLY holiday sweater. For those that prefer to stay inside, the Peninsula Library will be showing the classic Christmas movie "The Bishop`s Wife" at 6:00PM.

Saturday, December 7, is REINDEER DAY. Bring your children to see the live and educational reindeer display on the Bronson Church Green. While there, visit the church where there will be a special exhibit by the International Gingerbread Society. A wonderful opportunity to do Christmas shopping will be available at the Boston Township Hall from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. This bazaar is FREE and will feature handmade, repurposed, and vintage items from over 60 vendors as well as baked goods and warm beverages. Live lambs from the Spicy Lamb Farm will be at Yellow Creek Trading Company. Letters to Santa can be written and mailed at the Peninsula Library as well as mailed at the Trail Mix Peninsula store. For those who love to sing, The Methodist Church will feature Holiday sing-a-longs at 1:00PM, 2:00PM, and 3:00PM. A merry cast of musicians, elves, and the toy soldier will be there to help with the festivities. As you again visit the many shops with their holiday treats, be sure and stop by the Log Cabin Gallery to view their "Heart and Soul" exhibit.

Saturday, December 14, SANTA AND FRIENDS. This is a day filled with holiday fun and photo opportunities. Santa will be at Trail Mix from 1:00PM to 3:00PM, Olaf from "Frozen" at the Peninsula Library from 10:00AM to 11:00AM, Mrs. Claus at the GAR Hall from noon to 2:00PM, Grinch at Yellow Creek Trading Company from 1-3, Frosty the Snowman at Log Cabin Gallery from 2:00PM to 3:00PM. River Light Gallery will also feature poets Renay Sanders and Barbara Sabol who will be signing their books from 1:00PM to 3:00PM.

Since the information above is just an overview of the many offerings, please join us each day to experience unique holiday treasures!

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Happy 80th birthday to Jane Lemmo and Evelyn Kaczmarski.

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On November 5, 2019 our community lost one of its treasures. Patty Tesmer passed away at the age of 86. Patty was raised in Boston Heights but spent the majority of her life in Peninsula. Patty served on Peninsula`s Council and the Planning Commission. She was a charter member of the Boston Township Community Service League (The Quarry) where she taught the majority of children in the community how to swim. Patty performed with the Peninsula Players. She was the area`s Avon Lady. She was an active member of Woodridge PTA where she served as president for seven years. She also volunteered at Towpath Preschool. Patty served as the at-large member of Union Cemetery Association since 1996 where she organized and directed the Memorial Day Parade. She also planted flowers in Cedar Grove and Boston cemeteries. She was a member of the Peninsula Garden Club and Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church. In 2018, Patty received the Village of Peninsula`s Lifetime of Service Award.

Patty was preceded in death by her husband, Chic. She is survived by children: Terry (Michelle), Tracy (Jan), and Trevor (Jen); grandchildren Tara Polacek (Tim), Trent (Heather), Tori Evans (Carnell), Tege (Amanda), Tyler, (Tara), and Turner; as well as many great-grandchildren.

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Please call the library if you have any questions or if you would like to register for one of these programs.
PHONE: 330-657-2665 or 330-467-7323

Celebrate Christmas in Peninsula 14th Annual Mini Tree Display: November 30 to December 16 (drawing will be held on Tuesday, December 17)
The Peninsula Library and the Peninsula Area Chamber of Commerce invite everyone to stop by the Library and view the display of Holiday Mini Trees decorated by local merchants and organizations. Raffle tickets will be sold for a tree of your choice, and the winner gets to take the whole tree home just in time for the holidays! Tickets are $3 each or five for $10. The display will open on Saturday, November 30, and remain up through Monday, December 16. Tree winners will be drawn on Tuesday, December 17. The proceeds will go to the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and the Library`s Carole Wright Children`s Fund for children`s programming

National Cookie Day: December 4 at 9:30AM Who has an undying love of cookies? Save December 4 on your calendar and celebrate National Cookie Day with us at the Peninsula Library. Stop by the library to get a cookie and a cup of coffee starting at 9:30AM and until the cookies run out!

Community Christmas Party at the Boston Township Hall Wednesday, December 4 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Join Santa Claus for the Annual Community Holiday party with food, fun, and crafts! This event is sponsored by the Peninsula Library, the Peninsula Police Department, and the Valley Fire Department. This event will take place at the Boston Township Hall on the corner of Rt. 303 and Riverview Road.

Christmas Crafts for Kids on Saturday, December 7, 10:30AM to Noon.
Stop at the library for a morning of Christmas crafts. This program is for ages three and up with a parent/caregiver. Please call to register so we have enough art supplies and cookies for everyone.

Friends of the Library Book Sale Room Friday the 13th Book Sale! December 13 and 14 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Some people have a fear of Friday the 13th which is called Triskaidekaphobia. The Friends of the Peninsula Library want to make sure everyone has a good time this Friday the 13th with a two day Sale! Stop by the Book Sale Room on December 13 and 14 and shop for bargains galore! Purchase 13 books (paperback or hardback) for only $2.00! Where else can you find a good bargain, overcome a superstition and help the library all at the same time?

Write a Letter to Santa at the Library Saturday, December 7, from 11:00AM to 4:00PM
Have you written your Dear Santa Letter yet? If not, stop at the Library and write your letter and we will get it to Santa in the Santa Express Mail! For all ages!

Meet and Greet with Olaf! Saturday, December 14, from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Stop at the library and meet Olaf from the Frozen movies. He`ll dance with you and pose for a picture, too. For all ages.

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Annual Community Thanksgiving Service

The service will be held at Peninsula United Methodist Church on Sunday, November 24, at 4:30PM. Light refreshments will be served.

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Mike Packard, Scott Duber, Rory Skolnik, and Brian Douds

On November 4, 2019 Valley Fire District Chief Charlie Riedel administered the oath of office to Scott Duber, Assistant Chief; Mike Packard, Captain; and new members to the department Brian Douds and Rory Skolnik. Scott Duber and Mike Packard were promoted to their new positions in October.

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The Festival of Lessons and Carols is a service of Scripture and song that dates to the late 19th century. In this service, we listen to nine Scripture lessons that recount the Fall, the promise of a Messiah, the Incarnation, and the Great Commission to preach the Good News. After each lesson there is a carol or other song that reflects on the lesson`s message and then prayer is offered. On December 8, the Second Sunday of Advent, this service will be held at Mother of Sorrows Church, 6034 South Locust Street, Peninsula, Ohio at 4:00PM. Besides giving the Lord thanks and praise, for it is the Lord`s Day, do come and enter into the time of Advent by participating in this special service. Advent is a time when believers everywhere remember the promise of the coming of the Savior and prepare their hearts to experience its profound and timeless meaning. Advent is also a time to remember His coming again at the End of the Ages. Make Sunday, December 8, the Second Sunday in the Season of Advent, a true Day of the Lord by attending to Him in your house of worship and then joining with others in this Festival of Lessons and Carols. All are most welcome!

Father John Terzano, Mother of Sorrows Parish

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All are cordially invited and welcome to the Advent/Christmas services at Mother of Sorrows Church, Peninsula:

Saturday, November 30: Mass at 5:00PM.
Sunday, December 1: Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.
(Masses for all the weekends in December
will follow the same schedule: Saturdays at 5:00PM; Sundays at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.) Sunday, December 8: Service of Lessons and Carols at 4:00PM.
Monday, December 9: Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, patron feast of the United States of America, will be celebrated with Masses at 8:30AM and 7:00PM (not a day of obligation). The Sacrament of Reconciliation is at 4:00PM on Saturdays or any time by appointment (330-657-2631).
Monday, December 16: Advent Communal Penance service at 7:30PM.
Sunday, December 22: The Parish School of Religion Christmas Pageant at 10:00AM at the church.
Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Masses at 4:00PM, 6:00PM and the Mass during the Night at Midnight (12:00AM).
Wednesday, December 25: Christmas Day Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM. (There will be caroling for a half-hour before each Mass.)
Saturday, December 29: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Mass at 5:00PM.
Sunday, December 30: Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.
Tuesday, December 31: Masses for New Year`s, Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (a holy day of obligation) at 5:00PM.
Wednesday, January 1: Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.
Saturday, January 4: Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany at 5:00PM.
Sunday, January 5: Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.
Saturday, January 11: Masses for the Baptism of the Lord at 5:00PM.
Sunday, January 12: Masses at 8:30AM and 11:00AM.

May the blessings of this holy season be with you!

Father John Terzano

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With no December issue this year, it is time to give thanks to those who help make our community great. Thank you to the police department and fire department for keeping us safe. We are very fortunate to have the Peninsula Library at our finger tips. Our road crews keep our streets safe and snow free. Thank you to the good folks at the Peninsula Post Office and the ever helpful friends at Terry Lumber.

We have lost so many friends in our community this year. In 2020 we need to do a better job of treasuring those we have left.

Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year.

As always, remembering Lily.

Amy Anderson

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FOR SALE: Excellent condition 1960s oval cherry dining table. Three leaves, pads, table cloths. six recently made Amish cherry chairs built to match. Hutch (not matching) included if desired. $1000.00. Call 330-604-5833

FOR SALE: You have to see it to believe it. Nearly 200 rustic hand built stools, benches, small multi-purpose tables. Reasonably priced. Will show by appointment. 234-226-7141

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From the Editors: Have you used any of these services? We are asking for your feedback in rating them from one to five with five being excellent.

TREE TRIMMING: Tree trimming, storm clean-up, general clean-up. Call Tom the Tree Guy at 330-760-4105.

SONSHINE CLEANING SERVICE: Residential (including Apartments), Commercial, Offices, Floors, Walls, Windows, Bathrooms, etc. $10 off first cleaning and $10 off for every referral that uses us. Three hour minimum please. Please contact Claudia Norris at (440) 915-9957. Local references available.

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN- Peninsula resident. Great rates/Quick service. Call Steve at 330-310-1061. Ohio license #El22934.

COMPANION SERVICES: Are you a senior seeking senior companion services? Well, help is here. Call Kimberly for more details. 330-285-6962

LOCAL CERTIFIED MECHANIC, Peninsula (six years) Mechanical/ Electrical/ Lite Body Repair/ and Full Vehicle Detailing, Seven days a week, by appointment only. Very Professional with references if needed. All work comes with a one year warranty. Anthony Bruce 330-907-7287. Very text friendly.
YCN reader rating of 5 stars! Good work — Good Auto Mechanic!

REAL ESTATE SERVICES: Your hometown Real Estate agent, looking to buy or sell your home call us. Sylvia Tonhaeuser/ Robin Shrader Remax Trends 330-329-1851. No one knows Peninsula or Boston Township better.

PROJECT FEEDING KIDS: Find the best prices for every essential service, both residential and commercial while helping feed children in the community. We work with top brands, such as DirecTv, Dish, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, gas, electric, and merchant services. Call Kelly at 330-203- 9713.

CARPET, AREA RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING: We`re different! Citrus-based organic system using ion-exchange technology. Unbeatable results. Drying times average two hours and no dirt-attracting residue is left behind. 20% discount when you mention this ad. For additional information, questions or to schedule, call Sandy or Jim Sadens at 330-657-2113.
YCN reader rating of 5, multiple community comments.

NEED A HAND? CALL THE HANDYMAN! Bath resident, Joshua Kastelic 15+ years experience. Honest, Quality, On-Time 330-289-8181
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter has used this service multiple times.

PET SITTING IN YOUR HOME: For all your pet sitting needs, contact Precious Pets Sitting Service at 216-701-4181. Providing visits, midday walks, and overnight service since 1997. Rates start $15/day, insured/bonded, Veterinary Technician.

PHOTOGRAPHER: Your photographer neighbor. For all photography needs.

LICKITY-SPLIT: Firewood, tree cutting and wood splitting. Call Scott Ensign at 330-657-2462.

ALEXANDER WATER: 330-923-0014.

CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING: Award-winning custom picture framing since 1992, with framing consultations at your home or office, delivery and installation. Instruction with social media and marketing. Fine Art Services - Assisting artists, designers, corporate & residential clients in the selection, display and proper framing of art. 330-657-2228.
YCN reader rating of: 5 Star Rating! I have used Carolyn to frame, reframe, and repair all sorts of art for me and she does a professional job.
YCN reader rating of: 5 Star Rating! Wonderful work and very creative. Highly recommended.

SAWMILL SERVICE: From firewood to tree removal, all the way to decks, porches, & more. We do it all, give me a call! Wells Construction/S & S Sawmill, Seth, (330) 352-0210.
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter very pleased with services.

FOR SALE: Studio Joe, this century modern furniture. Small scale production, large scale unique. Visit us at STUDIOJOE.US or call (330) 212-3966.