Most of the trouble
in the world is
caused by people
wanting to be

T.S. Eliot
April 2024 VOLUME 41 NUMBER 4

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We can`t remember the last time there was so much planning throughout the community than we had with the solar eclipse. With the beautiful weather, the Sunday prior was a traffic nightmare in Boston. Monday couldn`t have been better and there are so many to thank.

Police Chief, Jay Nagy had many officers out patrolling our roads. Thanks to Chief Nagy, officers Denis Pongracz, Carol Rucker, Michael Skrypek, Daren Beichler, Eddie Westfall, Marc Bazdar, Theodore Troyer, and reserve officers Robert McCombs and Robert Murphy. Fire Chief Charlie Riedel had both stations staffed. Our thanks to Chief Riedel, Captain Mike Packard, Vince Roman, Jennifer Lanza, Brian Leising, Brian Loftus, Joe McVey, Claire Schramm, Richard Smith, Nick Sternad, Tony Yash, and Alex Zajac for working extra hours. Both road crews, Dave Krusinski and Jon Farmer in Boston and Mike Andexler and Tyler from Peninsula did their best to keep traffic off all of our smaller roads. CVNP Chief Ranger, Bruce Gagnon, had extra rangers patrolling and the Trailblazers kept everyone in the parking lots under control. Thank you to County Engineer Al Brubaker for the four-way stop at Riverview and Boston Mills.

While we expected total chaos, everything was under control with very few issues. All of these departments worked together planning for anything that could possibly go wrong.

Our thanks to all of you for a job well done.

Trustees Amy Anderson, Randy Bergdorf, and Bill Clifton

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The Memorial Day parade is scheduled for May 27, 2024. If you have an old vehicle, we would like to talk to you about participating. You MUST call Jerry Ritch at 330-657-2015 for instructions.

Each year we mention veterans living in our community. If you are a veteran or know someone who is a veteran and would like to participate, please call Jerry Ritch and give him your name, branch of service, and war in which you may have served. 330-657-2015.

On May 27 at 9:30AM in the Township`s service garage Valley Fire will be providing doughnuts and coffee. While at the service garage, please consider stopping by the new location of the Peninsula Library Museum. The museum is on the ground level and you enter through the doors of the brick building.

There will be a brief service at the Memorial Grove at the Peninsula Library at 10:00AM. This service commemorates the service of former staff, board members, and friends of the Peninsula Library who have passed away.

We expect the band to arrive around 11:00AM. From here the parade goes up to Cedar Grove Cemetery for a short service.

For the Boston part of the parade, we will again start at the parking lot on Riverview Road at the south end of Boston Mills Ski Area. We are using the two driveways at the south end of their parking lot. There will be hot dogs, water, lemonade, and bakery for all. After a brief rest the parade will continue to Boston Cemetery for another brief service.

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The Township minutes are posted on our website at and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Meetings are not covered by the West Side Leader.

Zoning Update: The Zoning Commission continues to work with Mark Majewski from NorthStar Planning to revise the zoning ordinance regarding home occupations and other issues. The Board of Zoning Appeals has a hearing scheduled for April 23 regarding Alpine Structures at 2730 Akron-Cleveland Road.

Road Department: Brush pick-up is scheduled for the first working Monday of each month starting with May 6 and continues through October 7. Place cut ends toward the road. Please, no dirt balls, no foreign materials such as lumber, nails, or any type of wire. This service is for limb trimming and storm clean-up. It is not for full tree removal. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the ditch free of any material that can restrict the flow of storm water.

Police Levy: The township`s five-year police levy will expire in 2025. The trustees have authorized the township solicitor to investigate options available for continuing the levy.

April 8 Eclipse: Well, we survived the eclipse! It was a very interesting phenomenon and one that we will always remember. Fortunately, the adverse consequences were minimal compared to all the hype leading up to the actual event. The weather cooperated, the traffic was not crazy and eclipse glasses were in ready supply. With the 2024 eclipse as a basis, we can certainly plan better for the next total eclipse in 2099!

Cuyahoga Falls JEDD Update: As reported previously, Cuyahoga Falls extended its water service into the Cuyahoga Falls - Boston Township Joint Economic Development District (JEDD) from Seasons Road north to Sunbelt Rentals. To date four properties have connected to the water service and several more connections are pending. Summit County`s Department of Sanitary Sewer Services (DSSS) has committed to extend its sanitary sewer from Seasons Road north to Suncrest Garden Center. The construction contract should be awarded by DSSS by year end. Cost of the sewer extension is estimated to be $3.5 million paid by a combination federal and county funds alone with a contribution of $185,000 paid by the JEDD and benefiting property owners. For additional information, please contact Bill Clifton at 907-903-8844 or

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at to find up–to–date Township information. Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330–657–2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330–655–5698, and Bill Clifton: 330–657–4032. Fiscal Officer: Pam Schneider at 330–657–2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330–657–2600; and Zoning: Mike Anderson at 234–900–9145.

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The Steering Committee for the Area Master Plan will be having meetings that are open to the public soon. Short-term rentals are still in-process and there are inspections scheduled to be completed. The annual Peninsula Live Events are right around the corner and will begin in June. When there is more information to share, it will be posted on the website! Make sure to keep your eyes out on the Village`s website under the Events Page of the Community tab at!

Upcoming Meetings:
Special Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 16 at 7:00PM at the Town Hall.
Regular Planning Commission Meeting is on schedule Monday, April 22 at 7:00 PM at the Town Hall.

Contact Phone Numbers:
Administrative Office 330-657-2151
Non-Emergency Police & Fire 330-657-2911

Check the Website:

Faith Dorton, Administrative Assistant

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To the Editors:

This is a loose approximation of our neighboring communities` populations: Richfield 4,000, Bath 10,000, Hudson, 23,000, and Stow 35,000. Peninsula has far less than 600 residents. To compare our Airbnb problems to theirs is ridiculous. Stow would have to have 1,200 Airbnb`s to even get close to our ratio. I live two short blocks from town hall. I pass nine or ten Airbnb`s on my way there. This is of course a guess, since as a resident I have no access from the village, any actual information about our Airbnb`s. Not how many, where are they, or even if we are making any money from them.

So called minor infractions can be red flags for larger ones. If you drive 11 or 50 miles over the speed limit, you are still speeding and will be fined. The same should go for breaking the rules for running an Airbnb, and no, if you say, well, maybe I won`t speed or break the rules next month or next year, should not fly.

As for short-term rentals being better kept up than long term, have you seen Bronson house? Way too many cars parked willy-nilly, both the barn and the house being rented out, separately. As of April 8, Christmas decorations still up and falling apart, but I`ve heard they finally have taken those down. Overgrown weeds everywhere and abandoned landscape fabric all over the place. This home is our history. It is a disgrace to allow this kind of disrespect to our village.

The planning commission can work as hard as they want to address the many problems we have, but until the council and mayor enforce and abide by the regulations we have, …why bother.

Maureen `Mo` Duffey-Riggins

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Medic-3, pictured below with Jim Paulett, arrived in March. The squad replaced a 2008 model.

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Valley Fire participated in Swift Water Training earlier in April. Joe McVey was part of the group that included members from Valley, Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, and Stow. Former Valley Fire member Mike Clinton was also a participant.

Assistant Chief, Scott Duber, at the training.

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Peninsula Library Programs,, 330-657-2291. Reservations are requested for these programs, please call the library to sign up.

Friends of the Library Bizarre Bazaar Table:
Stop at the library to shop the Friends of the Library Bizarre Bazaar Table. The table is up now through Tuesday, June 11. We are accepting donations anytime during library hours. Be sure to visit the Book Sale Room while you are here and buy a bag of books.

Classic Movie Night: First Thursday at 6:30PM in May and June
May 2—The Long, Long Trailer (1954, 96 Minutes)—Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.
(The May movie will be the 100th film shown for our Classic Movie Nights.)
June 6—How to Marry a Millionaire (1953, 105 minutes)—Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe, and Betty Grable.

Smart Retirement Series presented by James C. Sexton
Monday, May 6—Class #1 Retirement Income and Tax Strategies 6:30PM to 8:00PM.
Tuesday, May 7—Class #2 Investments and Withdrawal Strategies 6:30PM to 8:00PM.
Are you planning to retire or already retired?  Do you have questions about where and how to invest your retirement assets in an environment of market volatility and uncertainty? Do you know how to take income from your retirement accounts in a tax-efficient manner? Are you concerned about running out of money in retirement?
Please call or email the library to register: 330-657-2291 or

Tuesday Evening Book Club—Second Tuesday at 6:30PM May 14 - Rebecca. By Daphne Du Maurier
June 11—Master Slave Husband Wife: An epic journey from slavery to freedom. By Ilyon Woo

Wednesday Day Book Club—1:30PM on the Fourth Wednesday. May 22—One hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
June 26—Picasso`s lovers by Jeanne Mackin.

Beach Glass Craft with Sue Luck on Wednesday, June 5 at 6:30PM. All glass is handpicked from Lake Erie beaches and in its true beautiful form. We`ll talk about where and why these beautiful pieces wash ashore, what they used to be, and then get to work to create your own special holiday ornament. There is a fee of $10 for the art supplies. Class space is limited so please register early. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.

Doug Unger Artist and Craftsman on June 13, 7:00PM Peninsula resident Doug Unger (BFA Cleveland Institutes of Art, MFA, Syracuse University, Summer study Cape School of Art Provincetown) will give a lecture and show examples of his work that survey his career as an artist, craftsman and teacher. The lecture will include examples of banjos, mandolins, paintings, drawings, models and furniture. Doug is a current Professor Emeritus at Kent State University, Ohio Heritage Award Winner, Collections in Smithsonian Institute Library of Congress, and has Museum Awards at the Butler Institute of Art, the Akron Art Museum, the Canton Art Museum and the Zanesville Museum.

Let`s Revisit the Richfield Coliseum on Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at 6:30PM (At the Boston Township Hall.) The Richfield Coliseum opened with a concert by Frank Sinatra on October 26, 1974. We will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of this event on June 26, 2024. We will look back at the concerts, the Cavs Miracle of Richfield, the 1981 NBA All-Star game, the Cleveland Force and Crunch, and much more. Meet the original Coliseum photographer and watch a video interview with an original Cleveland Cavalette. There will be prizes and a few surprises!

SUMMER READING CLUB 2024--Adventure begins at the Peninsula Library. This summer join one of our summer reading clubs and read. There are programs for all ages. Registration begins at the library on Tuesday, May 28. When you register you will receive a reading kit and instructions on the program.

Summer Reading Club for Preschoolers through age eleven. Tuesdays at 10:30AM. Read (or get read to) for one hour and mark off on your sheet, then turn in the sheet to get a scratch off ticket to win a prize. When you read ten hours, you get an entry for the grand prize drawing. Save these dates for weekly fun at the library. Save these dates: June 4, 11, 18, 25 and July 2, 9, 16.

Summer Reading Club for ages twelve and up on Thursdays at 11:00AM. The first meeting is on June 6 and the tweens will get to help Miss Chris plan what activities to have at the library for the summer. We will also get ready for the summer reading club challenge by sharing your favorite books, and new books you want to read. Save these dates: June 6, 13, 20, 27 and July 11, 18.

Summer Reading Club for Adults 18+ May 30 to July 28 You`re never too old to join Summer Reading Club. This summer sign up for reading fun at the Peninsula Library. Just read or listen to books of your choice for chances to win prizes. Complete an activity sheet found in your reading bag kit and turn in at the library to select a prize from the prize basket. Complete the bookmark entry form and your name will be entered into a raffle to win either a gift certificate to Suncrest Gardens or a folding outdoor rocking chair. Registration begins on Tuesday, May 28 during library hours. You will receive a reading bag kit with one bookmark entry form and activity sheets.

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Many people have discovered the benefits of holding their family events at the Boston Township Hall. With two historic community rooms to choose from and a beautiful catering kitchen, the Boston Township Hall is the smart choice for hosting family get togethers! The Hall has tables and chairs, available parking and Wi-Fi for guests. The Boston Township Hall is also a great location for holding corporate retreats and business meetings. To inquire about availability on the schedule, please contact events coordinator Todd Clarke at (330) 657-2842 or visit the website to submit a request. The website also features pictures of the rooms from prior events to give arrangement ideas.

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For more information about Peninsula United Methodist Church, visit our website:

Our thanks to all who planned and participated in the Easter Egg Hunt on March 31. What fun it was to have so many kids laughing, sharing eggs and playing in the church yard!

It was wonderful to celebrate Palm Sunday again with our neighbors at Mother of Sorrows for the blessing of the palms and sharing of the Scripture message.

Also, a joy to share a community Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday morning at Pine Hollow—foggy morning with sunny faces!

We invite you to join us for Sunday Services at 10:00AM both in-person and via Zoom. The Zoom meeting ID is 734 940 8017 and the password is Pumc1575.

Wishing all a blessed and happy Easter season!

Check our website ( for updates and the most recent information.

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Happy birthday to Robert Slivka. Mr. Slivka turned 86 years old on April 6.

Happy birthday to Elaine Krusinski. Mrs. Krusinski turned 85 on April 10.

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Spring is a wonderful time of the year. All of the flowering bulbs, Lily of the Valley, lilacs and of course, Dogwoods and Redbuds. It is also a time to remember Ralph Reinhart, Sr. who, for many years, gave away Dogwood seedlings to all of the school children in our community. Mr. Reinhart switched to Redbuds when a blight made it difficult to obtain Dogwoods. Many properties on Hines Hill Road have a good display.

Lindsey Ward will have a new book out on April 30. Our Spot will be available at your favorite small book store or Amazon.

Amy Anderson

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Adeline Mayer and Josephine Mayer participated in the Fourth Annual Gifted and Advanced Visual Art Showcase last month.

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Diamond Dogs Softball will be sponsoring a Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction with all proceeds going to Valley Firefighters` Association and Peninsula Police Association Saturday, August 17. Location: Boston Township Hall, 1775 Main Street, Peninsula. Doors Open at 6:30PM. GRAND PRIZE $1,000

Come for a night of fun and a chance to win money and great prizes. Ticket Information: Donation: $50 Attending (one Chance Grand Prize, One Meal/Beer/Pop.) $30.00 Not Attending (1 Chance Grand Prize.)

If you would like to be a sponsor or donate any items to be raffled in the silent auction then please contact Pam Schneider 330-592-2707 or or Nick Sternad at We look forward to seeing you there.

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On April 27, the village will be everything Ramps!

Food: sausage, hot dogs, pickles, BBQ, hamburgers, salads;
Products: syrups, spices, oils, vinegars, salts, breads, chocolate, ice cream, jams, jellies, fresh ramps, local music, speakers, guided walks, artisans, Bloody Stinkin` Mary`s, ramp pale ale, guided walks, and fun and frolic.

The event will take place up and down 303 and over on Mill Street from 11:00AM to 4:00PM, with a ranger led guided walk at 10:00AM, meeting in front of Peninsula Trail Mix.

The event is free and free public parking is available at the GAR Hall parking lot, DMT Garage, Die Casters, and at the north end of Locust. Hope to see you there.

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There is still time to get the special postal cancellation commemorating the solar eclipse. If you are interested contact Ed Andros at Ed will be at the Peninsula Post Office Saturday mornings until May 8.

Below is a copy of what Ed put in the March issue of YCN :

Our local post office will be the only postal facility equipped with the unique cancellation design created by former Peninsula resident and chairperson of Akron University`s Art Department. It can be applied to mail originating from here under the following conditions:
(1) The piece must have the proper postage by weight and destination. For example: $0.68 for a one-ounce domestic letter or $0.53 for a postcard.
(2) Do not put the item in the outdoor box or inside receptacles but request counter service.
(3) Tell the clerk whether they should place the item in their non-machinable tray for further processing/delivery or ask for the item to be returned to you at the counter. Such items as leave with you cannot be put into the mail afterwards because the stamp(s) will have already been cancelled and therefore no longer valid.
(4) Clerks are forbidden to apply this dated cancellation stamp before April 8 but can do so afterwards until the device is destroyed per regulation.
(5) Items (together with an addressed/stamped return envelope) may be mailed to:
1921 Bronson St.
Peninsula, OH 44264

Ed Andros

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Caesar Carrino passed away at the age 93. He was a World War II veteran serving in the United States.

After his discharge from the Army in 1954, he was hired by the Norton City School District, where he soon became principal of Sherman Elementary and Grill Elementary. He earned a master`s degree from the University of Akron, and then a Ph.D. from Western Reserve University (now Case Western Reserve) in 1965. Soon afterward he began teaching at the University of Akron, where he worked for 22 years. He was also the Mayor of Wadsworth.

Caesar is preceded in death by his parents, Raffaele and Concetta, and by his three brothers Chris, Frank, and Henry. He is survived by his wife of 61 years, Lynda, his three children Michael (Marji Wurzbacher), Christine (Rajeev), and Gerard, and his grandchildren Alexander, Sophia, Gabrielle, Max, Nicholas, and Georgia.

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BABYSITTER: Fifteen and half year old who is trustworthy, reliable, and responsible. Can make simple meals for kids. Flexible schedule. Please contact via text or call: (440)409-8053

HELP WANTED: Pierogies of Cleveland in Richfield. Cashiers and Cooks. Stop in between 10:00AM and 3:00PM, Monday through Friday for an interview. 330-659-4309

ALEXANDER WATER: 330-923-0014.

SWEETPEAS PAINTING LLC: Call local resident Shannon Sneider for all your painting needs. 216-970-8705
YCN Rating 5 Star. I was recommended to Shannon by a friend. She came soon after I reached out. She gave me a very reasonable quote. She was very personable, thorough and did an excellent job. I would highly recommend her.

TRAVEL ADVISOR: I am a travel advisor specializing in Princess and Royal Caribbean cruises and Sandals, Beaches, and Apple resorts and I can help you plan your best vacation ever!!! Contact me at or Facebook Linda at Infinite Moments Travel and we can get you traveling.

TREE TRIMMING: Tree trimming, storm clean-up, general clean-up. Call Tom the Tree Guy at 330-760-4105.

SONSHINE CLEANING SERVICE: Residential (including Apartments), Commercial, Offices, Floors, Walls, Windows, Bathrooms, etc. $10 off first cleaning and $10 off for every referral that uses us. Three hour minimum please. Please contact Claudia Norris at (440) 915-9957. Local references available.

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN- Peninsula resident. Great rates/Quick service. Call Steve at 330-310-1061. Ohio license #El22934.
YCN Rating 5 Star. Very good work, timely and good communications during the job.

REAL ESTATE SERVICES: Your hometown Real Estate agent, looking to buy or sell your home call us. Sylvia Tonhaeuser/ Robin Shrader Remax Trends 330-329-1851. No one knows Peninsula or Boston Township better.
YCN rating 5. She was excellent as a real estate agent, very considerate, good communication and very caring of the property

PROJECT FEEDING KIDS: Find the best prices for every essential service, both residential and commercial while helping feed children in the community. We work with top brands, such as DirecTv, Dish, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, gas, electric, and merchant services. Call Kelly at 330-203-9713.

NEED A HAND? CALL THE HANDYMAN! Bath resident, Joshua Kastelic 15+ years experience. Honest, Quality, On-Time 330-289-8181
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter has used this service multiple times.

PET SITTING IN YOUR HOME: Precious Pets Sitting Service at 216-701-4181,, Providing visits, midday walks, and overnights since 1997, rates start $20/day, Insured/Bonded, Vet Tech.

SAWMILL SERVICE: From firewood to tree removal, all the way to decks, porches, & more. We do it all, give me a call! Wells Construction/S & S Sawmill, Seth, (330) 352-0210.
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter very pleased with services.

FOR SALE: Contemporary Furniture. Handmade in Boston Township. Bar Stools, Counter Stools, Side Tables, Coffee Tables, and more. Joe Griffith. (330) 701-9819. Visit Email or call 330-701-9819.

DOG TRAINING/SERVICES: Whether you need help training your dog or help getting your dog out while you`re away, call Tim Dent 4 Dogs, LLC (330) 212–1181 or email Reasonable rates.
YCN reader rating of 5.