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May Memories

A resident requested I write about First Communion at Mother of Sorrows this year. Our parish celebrated with six young people as they formally professed their belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine that is consecrated at Mass. That means they have come to believe and appreciate, with the help of their parents, family, catechists and fellow parishioners, that when we come to church on Sunday and celebrate the Eucharist (Mass), we celebrate the mystery of Christ's life, death and resurrection until he comes in glory. These young understand how much Jesus loves them and at Mass wants to share His very Self with them. So now prepared, they share fully in the Mass which is a memorial, a sacrifice and a meal.

On May 2, 2010 at the eleven o'clock Sunday morning Mass, Joshua Fleming, Elizabeth Howard, Devan Kavalchek, Benjamin Lahoski. Sadie Mrakuzic, Asha Noel processed into church (girls wearing veils and beautiful traditional white communion dresses, the boys in their handsome suits and ties). Relatives and friends joined the usual Sunday congregation to celebrate this special Faith event. Some would say the children looked like angels or young brides or grooms....bringing back memories of their own first communion at Mother of Sorrows years ago. In fact the children of this First Communion class can find among their family and relatives generations who do share the day's memory. What makes the day so special, so memorable, and shared by generations? Is it a sunny day in May, the fine clothes worn, the Sunday worship with parents, brother, sisters, relatives, neighbors, friends, parishioners, special hymns, prayers, receiving the bread and wine, receiving first, not having to wait until old enough....receiving not Bread and Wine...but Jesus Himself? Yes, that is what is special and never to be forgotten. It was not even a party later but that there was a special day when Jesus made me His tabernacle for a few moments and that could happen again anytime my heart was ready when to Mass went I to celebrate with other believers the Mystery of Faith.

Fr. John Terzano