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HWAP: The Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) serves low or fixed-income families. HWAP is designed to help lower heating bills by correcting energy deficiencies. Contact them at:
SHARE-A-CHRISTMAS: The Trustees would like to thank everyone who helped with our annual Share-A-Christmas Drive this year. Special thanks to the most generous contributions from Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sergi, Cornerstone Family Church, Mother of Sorrows Catholic Church, Allstate’s Hudson Express coordinated by Lisa Riedel, Peninsula United Methodist Church, Joanne Noragon, Dianne Papes, Werner Thiel, Patty Tesmer, The Griffith Family, and Norma Hammond and the students at Woodridge High School. Thank you to our elves: Rev. Jan Munsey, John Puchalski, Neil Franklin, Gloria Ritch, and Tom Germain. Thank you to Valley Fire Department for making the deliveries for us.
POLICE CONTRACT: The current policing contract with Peninsula expires December 31, 2010. The Trustees received proposals from the Summit County Sheriff and Peninsula. The proposal from Peninsula was accepted with the following change: a representative from the police department must attend the second trustee meeting each month and present a report.
The Trustees wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
WEBSITE: Visit our website at www.bostontownship.org to find up to date Township information.
Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015. Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.