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CEMETERY BENCHES: Thank you to Nathan Urbank for choosing Cedar Grove Cemetery for his Eagle Scout service project. Three new benches were made and installed in time for Memorial Day.
CULVERT REPLACEMENT: Four residential culverts on Major Road were replaced using funds remaining from the Major Road resurfacing grant.
WATER AND SEWER UPDATE: Marty Griffith met with representatives of the Ohio Department of Development and District 8 Liaisons for the Ohio Public Works Commission in efforts to obtain grants or low interest loans for water and sewer on Akron Cleveland Road. Marty has asked Summit County Councilman Nick Kostandaras for a letter of support from Summit County council on this project.
PLANNING: The Trustees hired Mark Majewski from NORTHSTAR planning + design to assist with rezoning for the proposed new JEDD (Joint Economic Development District). He is expected to have a proposal by the May 11 meeting.
BRUSH CHIPPING: Brush chipping for township residents will be the first Monday of each month. Please remember to place your branches at the curb and away from mailboxes. No root balls please.
BICENTENNIAL: The program committee has begun filling the patron page of the Boston Township bicentennial program. For a donation of $10.00 your patron name will be on the patron list of the program and you will receive a bicentennial button with the event date, June 18, 2011. For info contact us: bostontownship@bostontownship.org.
WEBSITE: Visit our website at www.bostontownship.org to find up to date Township information.
Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015. Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.