You cannot live a
perfect day without
doing something for
someone who will never
be able to repay you.

John Wooden
March 2012 VOLUME 29 NUMBER 3

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SEASONS ROAD/AKRON-CLEVELAND SEWER: Summit County awarded GDC the contract for the sewer design on Seasons Road and a portion of Akron-Cleveland Road. The design work is expected to take 120 days to complete.

ECONOMIC ACTIVITY DISTRICT: Planning consultant Mark Majewski met with the zoning commission and presented plans for the new district.

ROAD VACATIONS: The Trustees expect to take action on the vacation of Stanford, Wetmore, and a section of Oak Hill south of the Everett Road connector on March 28, 2012.

ANNUAL MEETING WITH PENINSULA: Mayor Doug Mayer said the Township Trustees will be receiving an invitation to attend the village meeting on May 14th to authorize cemetery milage. Council would also like to discuss the Township’s proposed JEDD and Economic Activity District.

PARKING LOT: The Trustees, BTHC construction committee, and the road department are continuing to work together to make improvements to the parking lot.

WEBSITE: Visit our website at to find up-to-date Township information.

Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015, Fiscal Officer Joanne Noragon: 330-657-2059, Road Department Tim Tesmer and Doug Mayer: 330-657-2600, and Zoning inspector, Larry Sulzer: 330-657-2135.