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As winter approaches you might think the season is winding down at a golf course. Not so at Brandywine Country Club where we’re looking forward to more activity and fun, centered at Brandy-Wine-Bar, Peninsula's newest spot to uncork and unwind.

We’ll have wine and beer tastings, live music, plus other events in our two-story A-frame clubhouse overlooking the Par 3 course, which houses Brandy-Wine-Bar. The private room upstairs is already being booked for meetings and holiday parties, and there's plenty of good weather left for fall cookouts and golf outings at our pavilion.

Brandy-Wine-Bar stocks a full line of house wines, from Cabernet Sauvignon to Moscato, all easy-drinking and affordable. Each label celebrates the area’s history and legends. Bottles of Pinot Head Pinot Grigio display a picture of the Civil War monument that once stood in the intersection of Riverview Rd. and Route 303 and lost its head, literally, to a reckless driver in 1932. The MEARLot label is a tribute to Brandywine's founder, Earl Yesberger. Big Top Blanc Sauvignon Blanc remembers the days when the circus train arrived at Peninsula Depot and the performers and animals paraded down Route 303 to the Coliseum. And the Peninsula Python wraps itself around the Pinot Noir bottle.

Every month we also feature four or five additional wines that we think are good juice and good value. From month to month we might focus on seasonal wines, suggestions for the holidays, or a particular grape variety or growing region. For beer lovers, there's a selection of pale ales, lagers and shandies. There's also bottled water, iced tea, lemonade and other soft drinks.

You'll never know what's on the table so stop in regularly! You’ll find us at 5555 Akron-Peninsula Road. We’re open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 9 pm and Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 10 pm.

For more information visit our website, Or call us at (330) 657-2526.