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The Peninsula Village Council met in regular session on March 10, 2014. Council passed a resolution to participate with the Emergency Management with Summit County. They also passed a resolution approving a road agreement with Summit County. This will allow the Village to access license funds to do some road work within the Village in the near future. The Mayor reported that there was nothing new to discuss as far as the wastewater initiative is concerned. The Village is still waiting on the Engineering study being conducted and funded by Summit County before any other steps can be taken. The Council established a pay rate for the newly created positions of auxiliary police officers. Council also formed a Committee to review pay scales and staffing levels for the Police Department. A meeting date for this Committee has not yet been established. They also approved the 2014 permanent operating budget for the Village. The Mayor cited the need to paint the inside of the Village Hall this year. If anyone is interested in providing a proposal to do this work, contact the Service Department at 330-657-2089.

Upcoming Town Hall meetings:
Board of Zoning Appeals: Thursday April 10 at 7 00pm
Council Meeting: Monday April 14 at7:00pm
Planning Commission: Monday April 21 at 7:00pm

Non-emergency Police and Fire Department: 330-657-2911
Mayor’s Office: 330-657-2151
Fiscal Office/Zoning: 330-657-2714
Service (Road) Department: 330-657-2085
Check the Library, Post Office, Village Hall, Terry Lumber, and the Fire Station for postings.

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John D. Steigel, Fiscal Officer