October 2017 VOLUME 34 NUMBER 10

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The township minutes are posted on our website at www.bostontownship.org and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Trustee meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of the month and the Board of Zoning Appeals meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Leaf Pick-up: Leaf pick-up will be starting as the need arises. Please pile your leaves near the road, but not actually in the road. For more information, please call the Service Department at (330) 657-2600.

Zoning Updates: The Zoning Commission continues to work with Mark Majewski of Northstar Planning regarding text amendments to the Business Corridor. Currently under discussion are changes to the zoning text regarding properties in the area of Seasons Road. Given the proximity to Route 8 and utilities, this area could be better utilized. Also, the Board of Zoning Appeals will be having a hearing on October 24 as requested by EBS Construction, LLC regarding the property at 5079 Akron-Cleveland Road. The applicant is requesting a zoning certificate allowing the property to be used for distributor`s warehouse and sales offices, a conditionally permitted use as set forth in Section 702(7) of the Boston Township Zoning Resolution.

Road Signs: Speed limit signs and "children at play" signs have been installed on Morris and Woodland.

Trash Contract: The Township`s trash contract is up for renewal in January. Prior to that, the trustees will be advertising for bids.

Ohio Checkbook: Boston Township will be participating in Ohio Checkbook, a program sponsored by the Ohio Treasurer of State (ohiocheckbook.com). Our page is in the design/approval stage, but should be appearing soon.

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information. Contact numbers for the Trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015. Fiscal Officer: Catherine Anson at 330-657-2059; Road Department: Ron Adams: 330-657-2600; and Zoning Inspector: John Schneider at 330-657-2601 or 234-900-9145.