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The township minutes are posted on our website at www.bostontownship.org and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Trustee meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of the month and the Board of Zoning Appeals meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.
Prayers and get well wishes: Please keep Peninsula councilwoman Mary Booth in your prayers. We wish her a speedy recovery.
Road Department: Leaf pick-up will be continuing as the need arises. Please pile your leaves near the road, but not actually in the road. For more information, please call the Service Department at (330) 657-2600. All Road Department equipment has been serviced in readiness for the upcoming winter weather.
Zoning Updates: The Zoning Commission continues to work with Mark Majewski of Northstar Planning regarding text amendments to the Business Corridor. Currently under discussion are changes to the zoning text regarding properties in the area of Seasons Road. The applicant, EBS Construction, LLC, did not show up to the Board of Zoning Appeals hearing on October 24 regarding the property at 5079 Akron-Cleveland Road. The BZA voted to issue a continuance until the November 28 meeting. The Zoning Inspector issued a building permit for a new home at 105 Kendall Park Road. The trustees will be having a hearing on November 22 regarding two minor changes to the township`s zoning ordinance. The township is in the process of reviewing the chart of zoning fees. Comparisons are being made to surrounding communities.
Police Department: The trustees offered thanks to Chief Joe Varga and the other members of the Peninsula Police Department for their attention to the Boston Cemetery during the week of Halloween.
Appointments: Trustee Randy Bergdorf was appointed as the representative to the Union Cemetery Association and Amy Anderson was appointed liaison to the Peninsula Police Department starting January 1.
Country Bazaar: Please be sure to stop at the Township Hall on December 2 to see the great items being offered at the township-sponsored Country Bazaar. We thank all of the vendors who have agreed to display their merchandise! The event will be from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Share-A-Christmas: Collection boxes have been placed at the Peninsula Library and Terry Lumber for the donation of non-perishable food items. We greatly appreciate all who share with other members of the community again this year. The collection of food will be through December 15.
WEBSITE: Visit our Website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information. Contact numbers for
the Trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Jerry Ritch: 330-657-2015.
Fiscal Officer: Catherine Anson at 330-657-2059; Road Department: Ron Adams: 330-657-2600; and Zoning Inspector: John Schneider at 330-657-2601 or 234-900-9145.