Every lie is two lies
- the lie we tell others
and the lie we tell
ourselves to justify it.

Robert Brault
September 2019 VOLUME 36 NUMBER 9

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The township minutes are posted on our website at www.bostontownship.org and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Trustee meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of the month and the Board of Zoning Appeals meets the fourth Wednesday of the month.

Condolences: The trustees express condolences to the family of Mary K. Feterle. Mary served on the Board of Zoning Appeals for many years and also worked as a librarian for both the Peninsula Library and the Woodridge Schools.

Road Department: As they have been doing since the catastrophic fire on January 24, the village and township road departments continue to work out of the township road garage and collaborate on road projects. After reviewing the village`s needs and goals based upon a document from the village solicitor, the trustees had a contract drafted for consideration. At present, the village is reviewing the contract.

Zoning Updates: The Zoning Commission finished up its work with Mark Majewski of NorthStar Planning regarding text amendments to the Business Corridor. After a hearing was held by the Zoning Commission on August 13, the trustees also held a hearing on September 11. The revisions to Chapter 7 were passed as well as a minor revision to the section on accessory buildings.

Brush Chipping & Leaf Removal: This is a reminder that residents should put brush out for chipping on the first Monday of the month. This program is for brush generated by routine trimming and pruning and not tree removal. Additionally, leaf pickup begins the third Monday in October.

Brush and leaves will be picked up until the weather prohibits.

Cuyahoga Falls JEDD: The trustees approved a $5,000 contribution for GBC Design to conduct a study on behalf of the township and Cuyahoga Falls regarding the first phase of the waterline extension project. Cuyahoga Falls will be paying $19,250 of the cost of the $24,250 study.

Garbage Contract: The township will be advertising for bids on a garbage contract with bids to be opened at the meeting on October 23 The when.

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information. Contact numbers for the Trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Bill Clifton: 330-657-4032. Fiscal Officer: Catherine Anson at 330-657-2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330-657-2600; and Zoning Inspector: Dan Schneider at 330-657-2601 or 234-900-9145.