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Please call the library if you have any questions or if you would like to register for one of these programs.
PHONE: 330-657-2665 or 330-467-7323

Celebrate Christmas in Peninsula 14th Annual Mini Tree Display: November 30 to December 16 (drawing will be held on Tuesday, December 17)
The Peninsula Library and the Peninsula Area Chamber of Commerce invite everyone to stop by the Library and view the display of Holiday Mini Trees decorated by local merchants and organizations. Raffle tickets will be sold for a tree of your choice, and the winner gets to take the whole tree home just in time for the holidays! Tickets are $3 each or five for $10. The display will open on Saturday, November 30, and remain up through Monday, December 16. Tree winners will be drawn on Tuesday, December 17. The proceeds will go to the Peninsula Chamber of Commerce and the Library`s Carole Wright Children`s Fund for children`s programming

National Cookie Day: December 4 at 9:30AM Who has an undying love of cookies? Save December 4 on your calendar and celebrate National Cookie Day with us at the Peninsula Library. Stop by the library to get a cookie and a cup of coffee starting at 9:30AM and until the cookies run out!

Community Christmas Party at the Boston Township Hall Wednesday, December 4 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Join Santa Claus for the Annual Community Holiday party with food, fun, and crafts! This event is sponsored by the Peninsula Library, the Peninsula Police Department, and the Valley Fire Department. This event will take place at the Boston Township Hall on the corner of Rt. 303 and Riverview Road.

Christmas Crafts for Kids on Saturday, December 7, 10:30AM to Noon.
Stop at the library for a morning of Christmas crafts. This program is for ages three and up with a parent/caregiver. Please call to register so we have enough art supplies and cookies for everyone.

Friends of the Library Book Sale Room Friday the 13th Book Sale! December 13 and 14 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM
Some people have a fear of Friday the 13th which is called Triskaidekaphobia. The Friends of the Peninsula Library want to make sure everyone has a good time this Friday the 13th with a two day Sale! Stop by the Book Sale Room on December 13 and 14 and shop for bargains galore! Purchase 13 books (paperback or hardback) for only $2.00! Where else can you find a good bargain, overcome a superstition and help the library all at the same time?

Write a Letter to Santa at the Library Saturday, December 7, from 11:00AM to 4:00PM
Have you written your Dear Santa Letter yet? If not, stop at the Library and write your letter and we will get it to Santa in the Santa Express Mail! For all ages!

Meet and Greet with Olaf! Saturday, December 14, from 10:00AM to 11:00AM
Stop at the library and meet Olaf from the Frozen movies. He`ll dance with you and pose for a picture, too. For all ages.