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The township minutes are posted on our website at www.bostontownship.org and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Trustee meetings are the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. Zoning commission meets the second Tuesday of the month and the Board of Zoning Appeals meets the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Condolences: The trustees expressed their condolences to the family of Dick Fisher. Dick served one term on Peninsula Council (1976-79) and three terms as Mayor (1980-87 and 2008-2011).
Road Department: Recent incidences of high intensity rainstorms have highlighted areas in the community where improvements may be needed to drainage systems. Currently under replacement is a catch basin on Morris Drive. A second catch basin on Morris Drive is under review. A cross-over pipe on Scobie Road was replaced on July 17. The Road Department is testing a used boom mower for possible purchase at $12,000. As a reminder, the Road Department conducts brush chipping on the first Monday of the month through autumn. Please call the Road Garage at 330-657-2600 to let the road crew know that there is brush to chip.
Police Levy: The township`s police levy will be expiring at the end of 2020. After exploring a few options, the trustees have voted to place the police levy on the November 3, 2020 ballot as a renewal levy. The 7-mill, 5-year levy will generate $150,508 per year. For the owner of a home appraised at $100,000, the cost of the levy will be $211.92 per year or $105.96 per half.
Zoning: The trustees would like to thank Michael Delahanty for his many years of service to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mike served first as an alternate to the board, learning the process while attending meetings and taking a seat at the meeting should another member be absent. Most recently Mike served in a fully-seated capacity. Taking Mike`s seat on the BZA will be Jerry Ritch, who had been serving as the alternate. The trustees are currently seeking alternate members to both the Zoning Commission and the BZA.
Zoning Meetings: Out of necessity, Zoning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals meetings were put on hiatus due to the COVID-19 crisis. In order to proceed with pending business, the Zoning Commission held their regular meeting on July 14, with half of the members attending in person and half attending virtually via Google Meet. Using this test meeting, the two boards will adapt their meetings in the future to meet the current needs and conditions.
WEBSITE: Visit our Website at www.bostontownship.org to find up-to-date Township information. Contact numbers for
the Trustees: Amy Anderson: 330-657-2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330-655-5698, and Bill Clifton: 330-657-4032.
Fiscal Officer: Catherine Anson at 330-657-2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330-657-2600; and Zoning Inspector: Dan Schneider at 330-657-2601 or 234-900-9145.