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Newton Lee
November 2022 VOLUME 39 NUMBER 11

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The Township minutes are posted on our website at and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Meetings are covered by the West Side Leader.

Thank you, Melissa!: Every year for the last five years Melissa Anderson has generously conceived of and executed a mini tree on behalf of Boston Township for the annual display at the Peninsula Library. This year she has created an astonishing tree that will be part of this year`s celebration. Please stop by the library to see her creation. Thank you, Melissa for your creativity and your hard work!

Township Road Garage to be Painted: After the very successful re-painting of the Township Hall, the trustees have engaged Color Renovation to also paint the road garage building. This project had to be booked now as Color Renovation is already booking for 2023.

Road Department: On-going through December 9, the road department will be vacuuming up leaves. Leaves should be piled off the road pavement and should not include branches or other debris. For more information, please call the Road Department at (330) 657-2600. The trustees voted to ask the County Engineer to assist with designating a stretch of Riverview Road from Everett Road to the Cuyahoga Falls line as a "no parking" zone.

Zoning Updates: The Zoning Commission has completed the process of reviewing the zoning resolution as it relates to signs and signage with the assistance of Mark Majewski of Northstar Planning and Design. The proposed revisions will be sent to the Summit County Planning Commission for their review and comments, after which the Zoning Commission will schedule a public hearing. Following the Zoning Commission`s hearing, the township trustees will also conduct a public hearing. While the revisions to the signage chapter work through the approval system, the trustees voted to extend the moratorium on billboard applications for another sixty days.

Akron-Cleveland Road: The Summit County Engineer`s office has informed the township that the repaving of Akron-Cleveland Road has been rescheduled until early spring.

Trash Contract: The current trash contract is expiring on January 31, 2023. The township will be opening bids at their meeting to be held on November 23.

New Email Addresses: Boston Township is adopting standardized email addresses. The following are the new addresses:
Amy Anderson:
Randy Bergdorf:
Bill Clifton:
Dave Krusinski:
Pam Schneider:
Pat Ryan:

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at to find up–to–date Township information. Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330–657–2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330–655–5698, and Bill Clifton: 330–657–4032. Fiscal Officer: Pam Schneider at 330–657–2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330–657–2600; and Zoning: Pat Ryan at 234–900–9145.