All Stars

On June 21, 2024 over 300 of the best athletes in the area were honored at the Greater Akron-Canton High School Sports Awards. Reese Reamon received the Girls Athlete of the Year for Track and Field as well as Cross Country. The following athletes made the Akron Beacon Journal Summit County-area All-Stars team. Girls track and field: Reese Reamon, Marissa Boone, Lola Mullen, Eloise Willett and Amiyah Perry. Boys track and field: Sam Su, Xavier Griffiths, Kendall McAllister, Caiden Jansen, Taysear Williams-Clay, and Connor Hons. Girls cross country: Reese Reamon, Marissa Boone and Lola Mullens. Boys cross country: Sam Su, Atticus Sloan, Ben LeBay, Xavier Griffiths, and Kendall McAllister. Girls basketball: Cam Hoover. Boys wrestling: Steven Duffy. Girls soccer: Kati Lasker and girls volleyball: Catie Patterson.


The Township minutes are posted on our website at www.bostontownship.org and outside the fiscal office at the Boston Township Hall. Meetings are not covered by the West Side Leader.

Zoning Update: The Zoning Commission continues to work with Mark Majewski from NorthStar Planning to revise the zoning ordinance regarding home occupations and other issues. The Board of Zoning Appeals has scheduled a hearing for July 24 at 6:30PM for the property located at 5352 Akron-Cleveland Road. The hearing will be regarding a single story, 36,000 sq/ft storage facility and the need for a variance regarding loading zones on the north and south sides of the building.

Road Department: Brush pick-up is scheduled for the first working Monday of each month and will continue through October 7. Place cut ends toward the road. Please, no dirt balls, no foreign materials such as lumber, nails, or any type of wire. This service is for limb trimming and storm clean-up. It is not for full tree removal. Please remember that it is the responsibility of the property owner to keep the ditch free of any material that can restrict the flow of storm water. For questions on this program, please phone the Road Department at (330) 657-2600.

Township Hall Grant: The trustees have been notified that their application for State Capital Improvement funds was approved. $50,000 will be forthcoming to assist with ADA access needs in the buildings.

Officer-operated Photo Enforcement Program: Boston Township is implementing an officer-operated handheld photo enforcement program. Please be aware that violation citations may be issued to motorists exceeding the posted limits. In 2016, the State of Ohio mandated that the speed limit on most Boston Township roads be lowered to 35mph. By implementing this new program, the police department has one more tool at their disposal to maintain safe speeds in the township. Additional information can be found at: www.bostontownshipphotoenforcement.com

WEBSITE: Visit our Website at www.bostontownship.org to find up–to–date Township information. Contact numbers for the trustees: Amy Anderson: 330–657–2439, Randy Bergdorf: 330–655–5698, and Bill Clifton: 330–657–4032. Fiscal Officer: Pam Schneider at 330–657–2059; Road Department: Dave Krusinski at 330–657–2600; and Zoning: Mike Anderson at 234–900–9145.


Nothing submitted.


We invite you to join us for Sunday Worship Services at 10:00AM both in-person and via Zoom. The Zoom meeting ID is 734 940 8017 and the password is Pumc1575.

At PUMC, all are welcome!

Activities/Volunteer opportunities - We invite you to participate with us:

School Supplies Drive for Woodridge Local Schools through August 13. Please place school supplies in the plastic bins located by the entrance to the right of the front doors at 1575 Main Street in Peninsula.

The following items are needed: glue sticks, student scissors, #2 and mechanical pencils, 1" binders, wide rule subject spiral and composition notebooks, washable markers, 24 count boxes of crayons, 12 pack boxes of colored pencils, large erasers, highlighters, folders, loose leaf paper, earbuds and backpacks.

Monetary donations will also be accepted. Checks can be written to PUMC with "Woodridge School Supplies" in the memo line. They can be mailed to PUMC, PO Box 186, Peninsula, OH 44264.

Akron Pride Festival March on August 24 at 10:00AM. Call Pastor Lea (330-807-6721) for info about when and where to meet.

First Serve annual Day of Service on Sunday, September 8. Info about volunteer opportunities is at www.JoinFirstServe.org. If interested, please call the church (330-657-2567) and leave your name, phone number. We will coordinate with you.

Weaving mats for the unhoused (out of plastic grocery bags)! Look for a future announcement about times when we will be weaving. We welcome your donations of clean plastic bags. They can be placed in the bins marked "School Supplies."

Thank you for your participation in these varied activities and services to our community!

Check our website (PeninsulaUMC.org/upcoming-events/) for updates and the most recent information.


The last Peninsula Live of 2024 will be held on Friday, August 2 from 6:00PM to 9:30PM. There will be live music by Steve Radcliff. Mill Street will be closed at 4:00PM. Please come join the fun for music, food, beverages, and vendors.


10:00AM to 3:00PM

To have your location listed on the Peninsula Village Website for Peddler`s Day, please contact Pam Schneider 330-592-2707 (text or call) or email at pam9963@aol.com. Please give your name, address of where garage/yard sale will take place, and a phone number (only to be used if we have questions). The Township will again have spaces available in the driveway off Main Street. These spaces are free and on a first come first served basis. Call Amy at 330-687-9498 to reserve your space.


Residents and visitors are invited to celebrate Mass with us every Saturday afternoon at 5:00PM or Sunday morning at 9:30AM. If you are a homebound catholic and would like to receive Holy Communion, please email carolk4mos@gmail.com to set up a convenient time. Anyone who would like information on the parish, the catholic faith or who is interested in becoming a catholic is welcome to call Deacon Yoho at the parish office (330-657-2631). Deacon Yoho has office hours every Monday and Wednesday from 10:00AM to 2:00PM. For more information on the parish, check out our weekly bulletin at www.motherofsorrowspeninsula.org. If you are a Mother of Sorrows parishioner in need of food, utilities or housing, email SVDPof STBARNABAS@gmail.com. Responses are usually made within 48 hours.


Peninsula Library and Historical Society - 6105 Riverview Road. Please call the library to register for any of the following programs or for more information.
PH: 330-657-2291 Email: info@peninsulalibrary.org

Classic Movie Night—The Best of the Best! First Thursday of the month at 6:30PM. After achieving the milestone of showing one hundred classic movies, the regular attendees agreed that we should now do a "best of the best" marathon. Granted, this is subjective and is by no means definitive. After reviewing the past 100 films, this is what we will be showing for the remainer of 2024:

September 5—Roman Holiday
October 3—Gaslight
November 7—The Maltese Falcon
December 5—Remember the Night

Fall Preschool Story Hour begins the week of September 9. Story Hour will be on Mondays and Thursdays at 10:00AM and is for ages two and up. Call or email the library to register your child.

Tuesday Evening Book Club—Second Tuesday at 6:30PM
September 10 - The Lady in Gold: The Extraordinary Tale of Gustav Klimt`s Masterpiece, Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer. By Anne-Marie O`Connor

October 8—Picasso`s Lovers. By Jeanne Mackin Wednesday Day Book Club—1:30PM on the Fourth Wednesday
September 25 - American Daughter: A Memoir. By Stephanie Thornton Plymale

October 23—The Princess of Las Vegas. By Chris Bohjalian

Friends of the Peninsula Library Meeting and set up The Bizarre Bazaar Table - Wednesday, September 11 at 1:00PM

Getting ready for Medicare— Wednesday, September 11, 6:00 to 7:00PM. Getting Started with Medicare is presented by Laura Mutsko, a Certified Senior Adviser and Medicare Supplement Accredited Adviser. She will highlight when and where to apply for Medicare, what decisions you will need to make, what Medicare covers, cost of Medicare, and the difference between original Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans. We need five reservations for this program to go on so call the library at 330-657-2291 or email info@peninsulalibrary.org

Beach Glass Craft with Sue Luck Wednesday, September 18 at 6:00PM. Sue Luck is half of the Repurposing With A Purpose team from Willoughby, Ohio. She creates art from previously used materials, specifically Lake Erie Beach glass, ceiling fan blades and spindles. The work highlights her appreciation of nature, gardening, and living a joyful life. Sue is thrilled to bring this Beach glass ornament class to Peninsula and share her passion for Lake Erie glass. All glass is handpicked from Lake Erie beaches and in its true beautiful form. We will talk about where and why these beautiful pieces were washed ashore, what they used to be, and then get to work to create your own special beach glass ornament. There is a fee of $10 for the art supplies. Class space is limited so please call to register soon. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.

Smart Retirement Series presented by James C. Sexton
Tuesday, September 24—Class #1 Retirement Income and Tax Strategies from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Wednesday, September 25—Class #2 Investments and Withdrawal Strategies from 6:00PM to 8:00PM

Are you planning to retire or already retired? Do you have questions about where and how to invest your retirement assets in an environment of market volatility and uncertainty? Do you know how to take income from your retirement accounts in a tax-efficient manner? Are you concerned about running out of money in retirement?

If the answer is "yes" to any of these questions, then this class could be extremely helpful to you at this crucial point in life. Join James C. Sexton III, CFP ®, CFS of Western Reserve Capital Management for these classes concentrating on critical retirement and investment issues.


Diamond Dogs Softball will be sponsoring a Reverse Raffle and Silent Auction with all proceeds going to Valley Firefighters` Association and Peninsula Police Association Saturday, August 17. Location: Boston Township Hall, 1775 Main Street, Peninsula. Doors Open at 6:30PM. GRAND PRIZE $1,000 Come for a night of fun and a chance to win money and great prizes. Ticket Information: Donation: $50 Attending (one Chance Grand Prize, One Meal/Beer/Pop.) $30.00 Not Attending (1 Chance Grand Prize.)

If you would like to be a sponsor or donate any items to be raffled in the silent auction then please contact Pam Schneider 330-592-2707 or pam9963@aol.com or Nick Sternad at nsternad@valleyfire.us. We look forward to seeing you there.


Peninsula Police Department welcomes two new members.

Michael Taylor joins the Peninsula Police Department as a commissioned part time police officer. Michael lives in Cuyahoga Falls with his wife and children. Michael was in the US Army where he served with distinction as a scout sniper and recruiter. Michael retired from the Army with an honorable discharge. Michael has been a police officer for seven years. Michael served two years with the Boston Heights Police Department and five years with the Summit County Sheriff`s Office.

Ron Cogan joins the Peninsula Police Department as a non commissioned reserve police officer. Ron is a veteran of the US Navy and worked for the US Postal Service for 30 years. Ron previously served as a reserve police officer for the Jacksonville Sheriff`s office in Florida. Ron currently lives in Canton, Ohio with his wife and is an avid Cleveland Monsters hockey fan.


BABYSITTER: Fifteen and half year old who is trustworthy, reliable, and responsible. Can make simple meals for kids. Flexible schedule. Please contact via text or call: (440)409-8053

HELP WANTED: Pierogies of Cleveland in Richfield. Cashiers and Cooks. Stop in between 10:00AM and 3:00PM, Monday through Friday for an interview. 330-659-4309 https://www.poconlinestore.com/careers

ALEXANDER WATER: 330-923-0014.

SWEETPEAS PAINTING LLC: Call local resident Shannon Sneider for all your painting needs. 216-970-8705
YCN Rating 5 Star. I was recommended to Shannon by a friend. She came soon after I reached out. She gave me a very reasonable quote. She was very personable, thorough and did an excellent job. I would highly recommend her.
YCN Rating 5 star. Wonderful job. Finished early and under estimate.

TRAVEL ADVISOR: I am a travel advisor specializing in Princess and Royal Caribbean cruises and Sandals, Beaches, and Apple resorts and I can help you plan your best vacation ever!!! Contact me at LindaFisher@InfiniteMomentsTravel.com or Facebook Linda at Infinite Moments Travel and we can get you traveling.

TREE TRIMMING: Tree trimming, storm clean-up, general clean-up. Call Tom the Tree Guy at 330-760-4105.

SONSHINE CLEANING SERVICE: Residential (including Apartments), Commercial, Offices, Floors, Walls, Windows, Bathrooms, etc. $10 off first cleaning and $10 off for every referral that uses us. Three hour minimum please. Please contact Claudia Norris at (440) 915-9957. Local references available.

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN- Peninsula resident. Great rates/Quick service. Call Steve at 330-310-1061. Ohio license #El22934.
YCN Rating 5 Star. Very good work, timely and good communications during the job.

REAL ESTATE SERVICES: Your hometown Real Estate agent, looking to buy or sell your home call us. Sylvia Tonhaeuser/ Robin Shrader Remax Trends 330-329-1851. No one knows Peninsula or Boston Township better.
YCN rating 5. She was excellent as a real estate agent, very considerate, good communication and very caring of the property

PROJECT FEEDING KIDS: Find the best prices for every essential service, both residential and commercial while helping feed children in the community. We work with top brands, such as DirecTv, Dish, AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, gas, electric, and merchant services. Call Kelly at 330-203-9713.

SAWMILL SERVICE: From firewood to tree removal, all the way to decks, porches, & more. We do it all, give me a call! Wells Construction/S & S Sawmill, Seth, (330) 352-0210.
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter very pleased with services.

FOR SALE: Contemporary Furniture. Handmade in Boston Township. Bar Stools, Counter Stools, Side Tables, Coffee Tables, and more. Joe Griffith. (330) 701-9819. Visit www.bluedogmodern.com. Email joe@bluedogmodern.com or call 330-701-9819.

DOG TRAINING/SERVICES: Whether you need help training your dog or help getting your dog out while you`re away, call Tim Dent 4 Dogs, LLC (330) 212–1181 or email timdent4dogs@gmail.com. Reasonable rates.
YCN reader rating of 5.

NEED A HAND? CALL THE HANDYMAN! Bath resident, Joshua Kastelic 15+ years experience. Honest, Quality, On-Time 330-289-8181 thehandyman_can@rocketmail.com
YCN reader rating of 5, reporter has used this service multiple times.

PET SITTING IN YOUR HOME: Precious Pets Sitting Service at 216-701-4181, precpetstr@aol.com, preciouspetsohio.square.site. Providing visits, midday walks, and overnights since 1997, rates start $20/day, Insured/Bonded, Vet Tech.

PHYSICAL THERAPY: Looking to rehab an injury or need a body tune up to prevent aches and pain? We are a concierge physical therapy that comes directly to you, gets you feeling your best, and back to doing what you love to do. We don`t treat you like another number, we treat you like family! Amy McMillin, PT, Owner of Custom Care Rehab https://customcarerehab.com. 330-618-5703 "We Are Bringing the House Call Back to Medicine"